大家好 Happy Monday! 我们今天继续基础英语听力练习: Level 1 (5), 目的是听懂电话语音信箱 (voicemail) 里的语音留言 (voice message)。

电话留言在国内用得并不普遍,好像大家更习惯在对方电话占线或无法接听的情况下,过会儿再拨打或者直接发微信、短信,告诉对方有关的信息。不过,电话留言在北美用得非常普遍。对于那些即将要到北美学习或工作的人来说,学会设置电话留言信箱、接听电话留言(voice message)或者给对方留语音信息等都很有必要。

记得初到加拿大时,我参加了一些就业讲座 (workshop)。老师一再强调不管是固定电话还是手机一定要设置留言功能,因为我们会遇到各种各样不方便接听电话的情况,比如在开车、在公交车上、在课堂上,甚至有可能在卫生间等等。 假如在你找工作期间,有一天招聘公司打电话过来通知你去面试,而这时你却不方便接听电话。设置了语音信箱,对方就可以给你留言。一般情况下,留言的人都会把他/她的姓名、电话号码以及打电话的目的在留言中说清楚的。设置语音留言信箱还有一个好处。对于英语交流有些困难的人来说,设置了语音信箱就可以反复收听对方的留言,把对方的意思搞清楚。如果直接接通电话,语言表达不是特别顺畅,甚至有可能因为紧张根本听不懂对方说的是什么,这样就会给对方留下不好的印象,有可能失去接下来的面试机会。设置了电话留言功能后,不仅可以通过反复重听电话留言,把招聘方的意思搞清楚,同时在回复电话前,也可以把自己的答案提前组织好,不至于回答的时候磕磕巴巴的。这样就可以给负责招聘的HR留下好的第一印象。

Message 1:

Good morning. This is Dr. Stubinski’s office calling. You have a dentist appointment on Monday afternoon at 3:30. Please call to confirm at 416-555-0787.

Message 2:

Hello. This is Bashir’s teacher. You have a parent-teacher interview on Tuesday evening. I can talk to you at 7:30. If you can’t come, please call the school office. The number is 613-555-0546.

Message 3:

Good afternoon. This is the St. Catherine’s Eye Clinic calling. Your eye check-up with Dr. Green is at 9:45 Thursday morning. Please call to confirm at 905-555-0077. Bring your glasses. Thank you.

Message 4:

Good evening. This is your landlord, Sam Wong. I can see you at 4:30 Sunday afternoon. We can talk about the new fridge. I can come to your apartment. Give me a call if that’s a problem. My number is 519-555-6664.

Message 5:

Hi. This is Sue Rivera next door. Can you come to my house on Saturday afternoon around 2:15 with your kids? I’d like you to meet the new neighbours.




voice mail 语音信箱

voice message 语音留言

This is Dr. Stubinski’s office calling. 不要说:I am...

Please call to confirm at phone number

confirm [kənˈfɜːm] 确认

Has everyone confirmed (that) they're coming? 他们是不是每个人都肯定过一定会来?

Can you confirm what happened? 你能证实一下发生了什么事吗?

It has been confirmed that the meeting will take place next week. 已经确定会议将于下个星期召开。

parent-teacher interview 家长教师访谈

short face-to-face sessions where parents/guardians can meet with their child's teacher to find out how their child is performing academically and socially-emotionally. Usually, these interview sessions happen twice per year.

eye check-up 眼科检查

Give me a call/ a ring/a shout/a buzz 给我打电话
