
Houston — The US Department of Homeland Security has identified the US chemical industry and its workers as essential critical infrastructure with a "special responsibility" to maintain work schedules and operations while following US Centers for Disease Control workforce and customer protection guidelines in response to the growing global coronavirus pandemic


The identification ensures the sector can continue producing chemicals needed for disinfectants, plastics for food preservation, medical equipment and staples like diapers and soap.


The pandemic response has left millions hunkering down in their homes across the globe to try to stem its spread, slashing oil and gas demand just as Russia and Saudi Arabia launched a crude price war with increased output. Both issues have impacted the chemical sector, which relies on crude production for cracker feedstocks and consumer demand for end products.


Here are the latest industry developments:







US ports, warehouses and trucking companies have been exempted from shelter-in-place orders like those issued last week in California and in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, which is home to the Port of Charleston's Wando Welch terminal. The Port of Savannah has canceled truck gate hours through the middle of April, but weekday operations remain as normal.


The Port of Houston Authority on March 18 shut down its Bayport and Barbour's Cut container terminals along the Houston Ship Channel after an International Longshoremen's Association worker tested positive for COVID-19. The worker was isolated and hospitalized. Vessel operations resumed at the terminals the evening of March 19, and gate operations resumed the morning of March 20. The biggest chunks of all exports from the port are resin and plastics (34%) and chemicals and minerals (17.8%). Houston is the second-largest petrochemical port in the world behind Rotterdam.

休斯顿港务局于3月18日关闭了休斯顿船舶航道沿岸的Bayport和Barbour's Cut集装箱码头。此前,一名国际滨海人协会的工人检测出了冠状病毒阳性, 该工人被隔离并住院。3月19日晚上码头重新开始船只运营,3月20日早晨重新开始登机闸操作。该港口所有出口产品中最大的一块是树脂和塑料(34%)以及化学物和矿物(17.8%)。休斯顿是仅次于鹿特丹的世界第二大石油化工港口。

