Hi 大家好,欢迎来到MIA的【健康英语】课堂。

葡萄干想必是很多人喜欢吃的果干,大家知道葡萄是grape, 干是dry,那葡萄干可以是dried grapes吗? MIA要告诉大家是可以的,但是葡萄干也有自己的专属词汇哟,大家一定要知道~~

所以,葡萄干的专属词汇是啥?葡萄干热量那么高能吃吗,对什么有好处吗? 带着这些问题,开始我们今天的【健康英语】时间吧。


Raisin (可数名词)[ˈreɪzn]

raisins (复数形式)


英英释义: raisins are grapes that have been dried in the sun or in a food dehydrator. raisins是利用晒太阳或食物脱水设备而进行脱水后的葡萄。

What are the benefits of eating raisins?


Raisins are packed with energy and rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Raisins are natrually sweet and high in sugar and calories, but they are beneficial to our health when eaten in moderation. In fact, raisins can aid digestion, boost iron levels, and keep your bones strong.


【Let's Talk】

Are you a fan of raisins? What else do you know about raisins? Leave a comment and share your knowledge :)

