





Commencement of laytime 装卸时间的起算


Commencement of laytime


3.272 Christensen v. Hindustan Steel Ltd was itself perhaps a slightly unexpected decision, although clearly commercially correct. The dispute concerned commencement of laytime at Vizagapatam, the loading port. The notice provision in the charter provided in respect of the load port for: ‘‘Time to commence at 24 hours after 1 p.m. if notice of readiness to load is given before noon and at 24 hours after 8 a.m. next working day if notice given during office hours after noon.’’ Further clauses provided that notice could only be given in office hours and that the master was to give three days’ and 24 hours’ notice of readiness to load. Not surprisingly perhaps, the charterers argued that this meant that three notices were to be tendered—three days before, one day before and upon readiness to load.

3.272在Christensen v. Hindustan Steel Ltd案的判决结果尽管从商业的角度来看是对的,但其本身似乎稍有令人感到意外之处。该案的争议焦点是关于在装港印度Vizagapatam港的装卸时间的起算时间。租船合同中有关装港的通知书条款是这样规定的:‘如果装货准备就绪通知书在中午前递交的话,时间从下午1点后的24小时起算;或者如果通知书在中午后的办公时间递交的话,则从下一工作日的上午8点后的24小时起算。’另有条款还规定:通知书只能在办公时间内递交,而且船长还要分别提前3天和24小时给予预计装货准备就绪通知书。也许并不奇怪,承租人争辩说这意味着应递交三份通知书,即三天前、一天前和装货准备就绪当时的通知书。

3.273 Notice of readiness to load was actually given on a Saturday morning. However, this did not say that the vessel was then ready but that it would be ready at 00 00 on Sunday. The ship had previously been discharging an inward cargo. The arbitrators found that at the material time the ship was ready to load and Donaldson J said that, on the balance of probabilities, this meant that she was ready to load at the time notice was given. Despite this actual readiness, the judge nevertheless said:

In the present case the notice was on its face one of anticipated readiness and impliedly reported to the charterers that the vessel was not ready at the time at which it was given. Accordingly, it cannot be relied upon as a notice of actual readiness, even if in fact the vessel was ready.



3.274 Therefore it seems that not only must a notice of readiness be correct when it says that a vessel is ready but it cannot understate the case either, by saying it will be ready. However, whilst the facts stated in a notice of readiness must be correct at the time of tendering, contrary to what is sometimes suggested, a notice of readiness contains no warranty that the state of affairs described therein will continue to exist or that if it fails to do so, the notice of readiness will become retrospectively invalid.


3.275 On the facts of the case, Donaldson J, however, went on to hold that the owners were right in claiming that the charter did not require notice of actual readiness so that only two notices were needed, and even if that given on Saturday morning purported to give 15 and not 24 hours’ notice of anticipated readiness to load, the charterers suffered no detriment since laytime could not in any case commence until Monday morning. His reasoning is summed up in the following passage from his judgment:

Which is right? The charterers can suggest no business reason for the curious arrangement which they suggest was agreed. The owners, on the other hand, can point with force to the fact that when the charterparty was concluded... the vessel was already at Vitzagapatam to the knowledge of the charterers and that accordingly one would expect less rather than more notice than usual. In these circumstances, I have no real doubt that the owners’ construction is to be preferred.



3.276 The whole question of what effect, if any, an incorrect notice of readiness has was considered by the Court of Appeal in Transgrain Shipping BV v. Global Transporte Oceanico SA (The Mexico I) where the only reasoned judgment was that of Mustill LJ.

3.276不正确的准备就绪通知书,如果有的话,究竟会造成什么影响?在Transgrain Shipping v. Global Transporte Oceanico SA(The Mexico I)—案中,这整个问题被提交到上诉法院,唯一详细论述的判决词是由Mustill大法官作出的。

3.277 In so far as this issue is concerned, the facts of the case were relatively straightforward. The Mexico I arrived off Luanda with a part cargo of bagged maize which was overstowed by a completion cargo. Although the maize was not accessible on arrival, the master gave notice of readiness in respect of it. The maize did not become accessible for approximately two weeks and it was not until a further two weeks that discharge began. No further notice of readiness was given.

3.277就这一争议的问題而言,该案的案情相对来说很简单。当Mexico I轮抵达安哥拉的罗安达港外时载有部分袋装玉米,因货物倒装,它被(因不满载为收取更多的运费而承揽的)加装的货物压在下面。尽管在抵达当时玉米还不能卸载,船长却就这票货发出了卸货准备就绪通知书。大约过了两周,玉米仍不能卸,直到又过了两周,才开始卸。但是该轮没有再发出准备就绪通知书。

3.278 At arbitration, the arbitrators decided that the original notice of readiness became effective when the maize became accessible, a conclusion shared by the High Court. However, the Court of Appeal disagreed, holding that laytime began on discharge, counsel for the charterers having conceded that that was the latest point in time it could have begun. The court did not have to consider, therefore, whether it ever began at all in the absence of a second valid notice, a possibility hinted at in the judgment.


3.279 In reviewing the earlier cases, Mustill LJ also cast doubt on the decision in The Massalia (No 2), saying the status of the premature notice of readiness was not fully argued in that case. He also drew a distinction between the idea of an inchoate notice of readiness in its purest form and a modified form put forward in the present case. In the pure form, the notice automatically takes effect when the ship becomes ready. The main practical objection to this is that the charterer would not know when this was. The alternative or modified version is that it takes effect when the charterers know, or have the means of knowing, when the ship is actually ready, which the judge described as a fertile source of dispute. He therefore concluded that the original notice was without any effect and went on to consider whether there had been any findings by the arbitrators that would have justified an inference of waiver, estoppel or agreement. Having concluded that there were not, he then commented that had he upheld the ‘‘inchoate’’ concept, he would have said that notice time should be allowed, but that if time began by waiver, estoppel or agreement, the precise moment when this happened would depend on the facts leading to it.

3.279在回顾了早期的案例后,Mustill大法官也怀疑The Massalia(No.2)案的判决,说:在那个案例,过早的通知书的地位并没有完全得以辩论。他还指出了初步的准备就绪通知书的纯理论形式上的概念与该案中的更改形式之间的区别。纯理论形式的通知书当船舶准备就绪时自动生效,而在实践中提出反对意见的主要是承租人,因为他不知道何时才能准备就绪,而另一种替代或更改过的形式却是在承租人知道,或者本应知道何时船舶实际上准备就绪时才生效,也就是法官所谓的滋生争议的来源。因此,他得出以下结论说初步的通知书无效,接着又考虑仲裁员是否留有可以认定其弃权、禁止翻供或共同协议的证据推论。在查寻未果后,他解释道:如果他赞成‘初步的通知书’这一概念的话,他也就应该认为可以允许有通知时间,但,倘若时间因弃权、禁止翻供或共同协议而起算,则具体时刻就应以导致时间起算的事实发生之时为准。

3.280 In London Arbitration 10/94, two written notices of readiness were prepared, both stating that they had been tendered at the same date and time, but both recording the times of events which occurred subsequent to the time when the notice was said to have been tendered. A copy of the second notice was returned to the vessel at a time when a valid notice could have been given. In these circumstances, the tribunal held that the notice should be treated as if it had been given again or a fresh one had been given at that time. The second notice was therefore valid despite what it said about the date and time of its tendering.


3.281 As was stated at the start of this section, where a notice of readiness is required, then when it is given, the vessel must first have arrived at her specified destination.

3.281 如同在这本节开始所说的,当有要求递交准备就绪通知书的情况下,那么当它递交时,船舶首先必须是抵达她指定的目的地。


作者:魏长庚,1977年8月18日生,籍贯河南省商丘地区睢县,自1996-2000 年在大连海事大学学习。在校期间取得航海技术专业学士学位,国家英语考试六级证书。16年海上远洋船舶航行经验,7条船(包括20多万吨的Cape size好望角型船舶)远洋船长资历。本人一直热爱海商法(重点是英国海商法)的学习,并致力海商法的翻译工作。已经出版《船舶买卖》一书。



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