bring up,raise和educate的区别?

educate后面跟什么 bringupraise和educate的区别(1)

1 `bring up'

When you bring up children, you look you look after them throughout their childhood, as their parent or guardian.

当你抚养(bring up)孩子时,你作为他们的父母或监护人,在他们的整个童年时期照顾他们。

Tony was brought up in a working-class family.


When my parents died, my grandparents brought me up.


2 `raise'

Raise can be used to mean bring up.

Raise可以用来bring up。

Lynne raised three children on her own.


They want to get married and raise a family.


3 `educate'

Don't confuse bring up or raise with educate. When children are educated, they are taught different subjects over a long period, usually at school.

不要把bring up(抚养)或raise(抚养)与educate(教育)混为一谈。当孩子们接受教育时,他们要在很长一段时间里学习不同的科目,通常是在学校里。

Many more schools are needed to educate the young.


He was educated at an international school in Madrid.

