




1.只是凭空想象 be all in sb's/the mind,to be sth that only exists in sb's imagination

Her doctor tried to convince her that she wasn't really ill and that it was all in the mind. 医生努力想让她相信她其实没有生病,只是心理作用罢了。

2. 将…记在心中;记住;考虑到 bear/keep sb/sth in mind;bear/keep in mind that…

to remember sb/sth; to remember or consider that…

Bearing in mind how young she is, I thought she danced really well. 别忘了她年龄是多么小,我认为她舞蹈跳得很棒。

Of course, repair work is expensive and you have to keep that in mind. 当然,维修费很昂贵,你必须记住这一点。

3. be/go out of your mind心智失常;发疯to be unable to think or behave in a normal way; to become crazy4. be in two minds about sth/about doing sth犹豫不决;拿不定主意to be unable to decide what you think about sb/sth, or whether to do sth or not5. be of one/the same mind (about sb/sth)对…意见一致;对…看法相同to have the same opinion about sb/sth


6. be out of your mind with worry, etc.极度焦虑(或愁苦等);忧心忡忡to be extremely worried, etc.7. bring/call sb/sth to mind想起;记起to remember sb/sth;使想起;使记起to remind you of sb/sth

注意比较: come/spring to mind突然记起(或想到)if sthcomes/springs to mind , you suddenly remember or think of it

8. have a good mind to do sth想去做某事; have half a mind to do sth可能会做某事(但不确定)used to say that you think you will do sth, although you are not sure

(表明有心做某事,但未必采取行动)used to say that you disapprove of what sb has done and should do sth about it, although you probably will not

I've a good mind to go without him if he's going to be such a bore! 如果他这么令人厌烦,我真不想让他一起去。


9. have sb/sth in mind (for sth)心中有适当人选(或想做的事等)to be thinking of sb/sth, especially for a particular job, etc.10. have it in mind to do sth打算做某事to intend to do sth


11. have a mind of your own有主见;能自作决定to have your own opinion and make your own decisions without being influenced by other people12. lose your mind发疯;神经错乱to become mentally ill13. make up your mind; make your mind up作出决定;下定决心to decide sth14. mind over matter精神胜过物质(用精神力量处理物质问题)the use of the power of your mind to deal with physical problems15. on your mind挂在心上;惦念if sb/sth ison your mind , you are thinking and worrying about them/it a lot


16. put/get sth out of your mind不再想;有意忘记to stop thinking about sb/sth; to deliberately forget sb/sth17. put sb in mind of sb/sth使某人想起to make sb think of sb/sth; to remind sb of sb/sth18. put/set sb's mind at ease/rest安慰;宽解;使宽心to do or say sth to make sb stop worrying about sth18. put/set/turn your mind to sth/set your mind on sth集中精力做;下决心做to decide what you want to do; to achieve sth and give this all your attention19. take your mind off sth转移一下注意力;暂时将某事忘记to make you forget about sth unpleasant for a short time20. to my mind依我看;以我之见in my opinion

