Sino老师前言:生活中会经常听到all right,你知道它的确切意思吗?一起来学学吧~

BGM- Young Girls

all right可以是问句吗(记住All)(1)

All right 是“行的”,“好的”“可以”的意思


—Let’s go for a jogging, shall we? 我们去慢跑好吗?

—All right. 好。

—Could we meet at eight? 我们8点碰面好吗?

—All right. 行。

All right 还可以表示:健康状况良好

Are you feeling all right? 你身体觉得好吗?

All she's worried about is whether he is all right.


all right可以是问句吗(记住All)(2)

all right 还表示圆满、顺利

Everything is gonna be all right. 一切都将顺利。


That's all right. 是“没有关系”的意思

-I am sorry I was not able to come last night. I had a cough.


-That’s all right. 没关系。

-I'm so sorry to bother you. 很抱歉打扰你。

-That's all right. 没有关系
