231、refer to, refer...to一、refer to意思是“查阅、参阅、指......而言、适用于、提到、谈到”例如:,下面我们就来说一说关于refer to 同义词?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!

refer to 同义词(中学英语同义词辨析231讲refer)

refer to 同义词

231、refer to, refer...to

一、refer to意思是“查阅、参阅、指......而言、适用于、提到、谈到”。例如:

A person refers to a dictionary to find meaning of words. 查阅字典去找单词的含义。

Don't refer to the matter again. 不要再提那事。

This rule refers to everyone. 这个规则适用于每个人。

二、refer...to 意思是“把......提交给......(跟组织或团体的名称)、把......归功于(归咎于)......”。例如:

My doctor referred me to a specialist.我的医生让我去找一位专家诊治。

The case was referred to the Court of Appeal. 这个案子被提交到上诉法院。

He referred his success to the good teaching he's had. 他把成功归功于他的好的教学。

He referred his depressions to his childhood illness. 他把抑郁症归咎于童年时的病。

