
今天则是<Over and Under the Pond>上篇。


This is the front cover, the title is "Over and Under the Pond".

Story by Kate Messner

Art by Christopher Silas Neal


The title is "Over and Under the Pond".

Kate Messner wrote the story, she is the author.

Christopher Silas Neal drew the pictures, he is the artist.


Over the pond we slide, splashing through lily pads, sweeping through reeds.

lily pads 荷叶

reeds 芦苇


The water's a mirror, reflecting the sky.

Sunshine and clouds - then a shadow below.

"What's down there?" I ask.

"Under the pond?" Mom says.


"Under the pond is a whole hidden world of minnows and crayfish, turtles and bullfrogs.

We're paddling over them now."

minnows 鲤科小鱼,也泛指小鱼,杂鱼。

crayfish 淡水龙虾,俗称小龙虾。

bullfrogs 牛蛙


Over the pond, we skim past tall rushes.

Whirligig beetles loop and twirl - skaters on a warm summer surface.

Under the pond, minnows dart through waving forests of grass, while a brook trout lurks, ready to lunge.

Whirligig beetles 豉虫、鼓虫

brook trout 溪鲑,或称斑点鱒,红点鲑鱼的一种

lurks(lurk) 潜伏

lunge 冲刺


Over the pond, we lift and dip and pull past a row of painted turtles on a waterlogged tree.

One - two - three - they slip off and away -

splash - gurgle - sploosh! - under the pond.

waterlogged (木材等)浸饱水的,水浸的


Over the pond, cattails rustle and shush in the wind. Listen close ... cuck-la-ree!

Red-winged blackbirds race by. One has grass for her nest.

Under the pond, a caddisfly larva builds a home of her own - a secret shelter of pebbles and sand.

cattails 香蒲(广泛地分布于沼泽地区,有长条带状的叶子和浓密细小的圆形花朵和果实)

Red-winged blackbirds 红翅黑鹂,或红翅乌鸦

caddisfly larva 毛翅蝇幼虫,石蛾幼虫

shelter 避难所

pebbles(pebble) 鹅卵石


Over the pond, the shadows of trees lean out from the shore. We coast under a low-hanging branch.

A moose looks up with a mouthful of water lilies. We're interrupted his lunch.

low-hanging 低垂的

moose 麋鹿,驼鹿

water lilies 睡莲


Under the pond, beavers dive deep. They pump with powerful tails and rise to the surface with delectable roots from the mud.

beavers 河狸(我想很多小朋友应该都很熟悉贝瓦儿歌,贝瓦的原型就是河狸,贝瓦也是beaver的音译。)


Over the pond, the wind gives us a push and stirs the light-dappled leaves on shore.

There on a branch, a new goldfinch teeters, finally ready to fly.

Under the pond, tadpoles are changing, learning to hop.

They're losing tails, growing legs, growing up.

light-dappled 斑驳的

goldfinch 金翅雀

teeters(teeter) 蹒跚,摇晃,站不稳

tadpoles 蝌蚪
