

【green 绿色】

green thumb (绿色大拇指) 园艺技巧精湛

Julien has a green thumb; he has planted lots of beautiful flowers in his yard.

Julien 有很棒的园艺技巧,他总是在庭院里种植很多漂亮的花。

greenhorn (绿色犄角) 新手

I will never go to that greenhorn dentist anymore!


be green with envy 极度嫉妒

Alice was green with envy when she saw lots of fans shaking hands with her idol.

当 Alice 看到很多粉丝与她的偶像握手时,她感到非常嫉妒。

【blue 蓝色】

once in the blue moon (蓝色月亮) 非常罕见

He only goes to the club once in the blue moon.


blue blood (蓝色血液) 贵族血统;富豪人家

This is a district where blue bloods love to gather.


【white 白色】

white lie (白色谎言) 善意的谎言

After considering his feeling, we decided to conceal the truth and tell him a white lie.


golden opportunity (金色机会) 绝佳的机会

Come on! It's a golden opportunity for us to win the prize!


white elephant (白色大象) 昂贵但无用的东西

The vintage car in the garage is a white elephant. It costs a lot for maintenance, so no one dares drive it on the streets.


【black 黑色】

black sheep (黑羊) 不合群的人;害群之马

She was the black sheep of the class. While everyone was trying hard to concentrate on the lecture, she was taking a nap and snoring loudly.


black out 晕眩;失去意识

He drank too much last night at the bar and ultimately blacked out.


【silver 银色】

silver screen 银幕;电影业

This theater is equipped with the largest silver screen in the world which also cost a lot to install.


【gray/grey 灰色】

gray/grey area (灰色地带) 模糊不清、模稜两可

There is a gray/grey area in this law. Everyone interprets it in different ways.


【red 红色】

roll out the red carpet (铺上红地毯) 盛情款待

We must roll out the red carpet for our guests.


paint the town red (把城市漆红) 出门狂欢

To celebrate Amy's birthday, we're gonna go paint the town red tonight!


to catch sb. red-handed 当场逮住某人(在做坏事)

to see red (看到红色) 感到极为愤怒

When Alex caught the pocket picker red-handed, he saw red.


【pink 粉红色】

pink slip (粉红通知单) 解僱通知

Emma received the pink slip last week so she had no choice but to look for a new job.

Emma 在上周收到解僱通知,她只好努力寻找新工作。

【yellow 黄色】

yellow-bellied (黄色肚皮) 懦夫的、胆小鬼的

Ryan is yellow-bellied and never tries to defend his opinions.

Ryan 是个懦夫,他从来不试着捍卫自己的意见。


olive 橄榄绿

plum 紫红色

lime 青柠绿

indigo 靛色

teal 蓝绿色

azure 蔚蓝色

lavender 薰衣草紫


