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第四天 读终极英语单词12000 第二册Level4 部分,计划每天学30个左右,一个月争取读完。












betray 背叛 出卖

It is not just in economics that the young are being betrayed. In the field of culture, older generations of leftie campaigners and academics have force-fed the young a diet of social justice, race-baiting gibberish and persuaded them that they must feel guilt of every type, be it related to race, class or gender.

unlikely 不太可能的 没有希望的

Unlikely. There have been no reports of the type of blood clots in question after a second dose.

achievement 成就 完成

It’s the best of stories: acknowledged achievement, hubris, a fall from grace, final redemption

constantly 不断地 始终 一直

The 16 federal states and the central government are constantly passing the buck, not just on the pandemic but also on the big infrastructure projects.

bother 打扰 烦扰

“I’m not going to bother. I mean, I could fall off the scaffolding tomorrow.”

cheat 欺骗

We knew this was unfair because I had no intention to cheat. That is not who I am.

reputation 名声 名誉 声望

The situation in the DRC is a blow to the charity’s efforts to rebuild its reputation.

honesty 诚实 老师 正直

Boris Johnson conducted himself with honesty and integrity in his alleged relationship with Jennifer Arcuri, his press secretary said yesterday, following new accounts that the two had sex on a sofa in his marital home.

command 命令

She will undertake activities in UK waters before starting duties under Nato command in 2022.

departure 离开 出发

Quarantine-free travel will only be permitted to “green” countries from May 17, although the government has already made it clear that a series of pre-departure and post-arrival tests will be needed to guard against the importing of mutant strains of the coronavirus.
