







三味书屋后面也有一个园,虽然小,但在那里也可以爬上花坛去折腊梅花,在地上或桂花树上寻蝉蜕。最好的工作是捉了苍蝇喂蚂蚁,静悄悄地没有声音。然而同窗们到园里的太多,太久,可就不行了,先生在书房里便大叫起来: “人都到哪里去了?”




Appreciation of Lu Xun's Works

Lu Xun, formerly known as Zhou Zhangshou, later renamed Zhou Shuren, with the word Yushan, and later changed to Yucai, from Shaoxing, Zhejiang.

Famous writer, thinker, revolutionist, democratic fighter, important participant in the New Culture Movement, and one of the founders of modern Chinese literature.

He has a significant influence on the development of Chinese society, thought and culture after the May Fourth Movement, and is well-known in the world of literary circles, especially in Korea and Japan. He has an extremely important position and influence in the field of thought and culture.

He is known as "the largest territory on the cultural map of East Asia in the 20th century." Writer".

"Scream" is a collection of short stories written by Lu Xun from 1918 to 1922. The work truly depicts the social life from the Revolution of 1911 to the May Fourth Movement.

Sarting from revolutionary democracy, holding the purpose of Enlightenment and the spirit of humanitarianism. Reveals various deep-seated social contradictions.

"You can change it, starting with your sincerity! Know that people who will not tolerate cannibalism in the future will live in the world.

"If you don't change it, you will eat it all by yourself. Even if you give birth to more, the real person will be wiped out, just like a hunter who has killed a wolf! — the same as a bug!"

"Pick Up the Flower in the Evening" was created in 1926 and is the only collection of reminiscence essays written by Lu Xun, originally called "Revisiting the Past".

It reflects the life of the author Lu Xun in his youth in many aspects, and vividly reflects the formation of his personality and interests.

There is also a garden behind the Sanwei Bookstore. Although it is small, there is also a garden where you can climb up the flowerbeds to break the plum blossoms, and hunt for cicadas on the ground or on the sweet-scented osmanthus tree.

The best job is to catch the flies and feed the ants, quietly without sound. However, too many classmates have been in the garden for too long, but it will not work. The husband shouted in the study: "Where are all the people?"

"Wild Grass" is a collection of prose poems created by the modern writer Lu Xun.

This collection of poems truly describes the author's thoughts and feelings of continuing to fight after the division of the united front of the new culture, but feeling lonely and lonely, and exploring forward thoughts and feelings in hesitation.

Before this, my heart was filled with bloody singing: blood and iron, flame and poison, recovery and revenge.

Suddenly these are empty, but sometimes deliberately filled with hopeless self-deception. Hope, hope, use this shield of hope to resist the attack of the dark night in the emptiness, although the dark night in the emptiness is still behind the shield.



