



Why is worry unreasonable? There are a couple of reasons. First, because worry exaggerates the problem. It never makes a problem smaller. It always makes it bigger. Have you noticed, somebody said something bad about you, the more you think about it, the bigger it gets. Or you got a problem, you start worrying about it. The more you worry about it, does the problem shrink with your worry? NO. It always gets bigger. Worry exaggerates. It’s irrational. It’s unreasonable. It makes it bigger. It grows the problem out of proportion.


1. 第一句的问句,挑why的音,不要挑句尾;

2. a couple of的连读,cou的音节要跳跃起来;

3. exaggerates里面的大嘴[æ]要发好,单词的内部节奏也不能乱;

4. It never,It always里面的it词尾吞音,而never,always是需要重读突出的;

5. makes a和makes it的连读;

6. bad about you,think about it,worry about it连读;

7. the bigger it gets,it一定要吞音才能读顺。后半段有大量的it,也是同理,大多都是要吞音的;

8. problem out of proportion浊化连读。
