Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you…THE CHEERIO CHALLENGE.女士们先生们,我要给你们看看“CHEERIO麦圈挑战”。


The challenge is simple:挑战很简单:

1. Get a box of Cheerios.拿一盒CHEERIO麦圈。

2. Sneak up beside your sleeping baby.悄悄靠近熟睡的宝宝。

3. One at time, stack as many Cheerios as you can on their head.一次放一个,尽可能在他们头上多堆几个麦圈。

It takes skill. It takes agility.这需要技巧,需要动作敏捷。


You must have the stealth of a jungle cat.你必须要有丛林猫科动物的隐秘身手。


Patrick Quinn, founder of Life of Dad, a social network for dads, told BuzzFeed that he got the idea for the challenge from playing with his 3-week-old son, Maxton.帕特里克·奎因是针对爸爸的社交网站“Life of Dad”(爸爸的生活)的创始人,他对BuzzFeed网站记者说他是在和3周大的儿子马克斯顿玩的时候产生这个挑战的灵感的。

"I put one Cheerio on his nose, and then tried to see how many I could stack, and it kind of just went from there," Quinn said.奎因说:“我把一个麦圈放在他鼻子上,然后想试试看我能放多少个,结果就有了这个挑战。”

Since then, the #CheerioChallenge has blown up, with tons of people sending photos of their attempts to the Life of Dad Facebook page.自从那时起#麦圈挑战#就流行开了,很多人都把他们所做尝试的图片发到了“Life of Dad”的脸书上。

So far, the record is 16 Cheerios in a single stack, which two dads have achieved so far.到目前为止,单次堆积最多的记录是16个麦圈,有两个爸爸做到了。


"That seems to be the Everest of Cheerio stacking," Quinn said. "I don't even know how it's possible."奎因说:“这可能就是堆麦圈的最大高度了,我都不知道怎么可能堆那么多。”

Some dads who haven't had Cheerios on hand have gotten creative with the challenge.有些手头没有麦圈的爸爸有了别的挑战创意。


This dad went for three Reese's cups and a gummy frog.这个爸爸摞了三个锐滋巧克力杯和一个青蛙橡皮糖。

Some have gone for a full-body, multi-stack technique.有些人还拥有完成全身多层堆叠的技巧。



Others have taken great risks, stacking Cheerios upon their babies who are awake.其他人还冒险尝试,在孩子醒着的时候把麦圈堆在宝宝身上。


Flawless execution.圆满完成。

"The real challenge of the Cheerio Challenge is stifling your own laughter," Quinn said.奎因说:“麦圈挑战真正的难度在于要憋住笑。”


Quinn said he couldn't stack more than five Cheerios without cracking up laughing and toppling the whole tower over.奎因说他最多放到五个麦圈就会笑场,弄倒了已经堆好的麦圈。

"It's much harder than you'd think," he said.他说:“这比你想的要难得多。”

How many Cheerios can YOU stack on your baby?你能在你家宝宝身上堆几个麦圈?


