






[00:19.03]n. 种族 vt. 使比赛 vt.& vi. 和…比赛





[00:37.00]New digital mobile phones produce less radiation,

[00:41.35]but that does not necessarily mean that they should

[00:44.94]be used without caution.









[01:10.57]Some Europeans were alarmed by these travellers in rags

[01:14.88]because of their traditions.






[01:35.11]n.雨;雨水 vi. 下雨



[01:45.01]The thunderstorm stopped and we saw a beautiful rainbow in the clouds.








[02:09.58]vt.提高;筹集 n. 加薪

[02:15.27]The severity of this catastrophe shocked Bob Geldof,

[02:20.84]an Irish musician who organized a charity concert called

[02:24.38]Live Aid to raise money for famine victims in Ethiopia.




[02:41.10]n.范围 vi. 变动 vt. 排列


[02:48.46]n. 等级 adj. 糟糕的 v. 把…分等级



[03:03.62]Rapid agricultural and industrial development

[03:07.65]plus huge population growth has meant that not only

[03:12.40]is the amount of water taken from the river rising,

[03:15.48]but the waste being put back into the river has also been increasing.



[03:29.54]The Yangtze River is home to a diverse range of fish

[03:32.90]and animals including the white-flag dolphin,

[03:36.22]a rare Chinese mammal which depends on

[03:39.17]the Yangtze River for survival.




[03:52.68]n.比率;速度 vt.对…作出评价


[04:01.61]adv.相当 interj. 当然啦

[04:05.66]Suddenly a raft appeared, looking rather like Noah’s ark,

[04:10.94]carrying the whole family, a few hens, the dogs,

[04:14.52]a cat, and a bird in a cage.








[04:38.65]v.达到;够得着 n. 范围



[04:53.00]Though the sound could be heard clearly,

[04:56.50]it took me a long time to react.


[05:02.84]vi.& vt.阅读 n.读物 adj. 有学问的



[05:15.91]This term’s main reading category for

[05:19.25]senior high students is adventures.


[05:26.38]adj.准备好的;现成的 adv. 已完成


[05:33.77]adj.实际的;真实的 adv. 很





[05:56.41]In reality, my grandfather can no longer walk,

[06:00.42]but with RealCine, he experienced a real African

[06:03.90]adventure, and was thrilled when he saw a lion.



[06:17.85]She was really upset and swore that

[06:20.93]she hadn’t told anyone, but I know that

[06:23.67]the only people who see marks are the teacher and the student.


[06:34.57]n.理由;原因 v. 推论



[06:48.56]By this time, a Lancaster bomber in reasonable

[06:51.46]condition was rare and worth rescuing.





[07:12.78]A sound made by tapping on the hull of a ship

[07:17.38]will be reflected from the sea bottom,

[07:20.30]and by measuring the time interval

[07:23.25]between the taps and the receipt of the echoes,

[07:26.84]the depth of the sea at that point can be calculated.







[07:53.46]A recent announcement by scientists that

[07:56.66]they have successfully cloned the first human embryo

[08:00.16]has caused much debate and has shocked

[08:02.04]many people around the world.





[08:20.83]Recently, one of Jeremy’s closest friends

[08:25.14]asked him to make a speech at a wedding reception.





[08:40.34]The recipes include ingredients and cooking

[08:43.40]styles from the East and the West.





[09:04.04]Scientists used to believe that mothers

[09:07.53]recognize their children by sight only.




[09:22.69]n.记录 vt.将…录音 vi. 录音

[09:28.58]He was fascinated by the Guinness Book of World Records.

[09:32.61]He made friends with Arthur Garfunkel

[09:38.73](known as Art) as a child and they recorded their first song in 1957,

[09:45.02]which was called ‘Hey Schoolgirl’.




[10:00.44]vt.弥补;重新获得 vi. 恢复








[10:29.03]adj.红色的 n. 红色







[10:55.90]The problem of cybercrime is so huge

[10:59.86]that it requires the United Nations to form

[11:02.13]a special agency to act as an international

[11:03.93]referee or steward.






[11:27.75]n.改革 vt. 改进 vt.& vi.使改过自新

[11:33.76]He pities Oliver, takes him home,

[11:37.50]and tries to reform him.






[11:57.28]vt.拒绝 vi. 拒绝 n.垃圾


[12:04.95]n.注意;尊重 vt. 认为



[12:18.31]Regardless of what these friendships are based upon,

[12:22.37]shared feelings or activities, the important thing to remember is

[12:25.98]that both of them are friendships.


[12:33.62]v.登记;注册 n. 登记簿

[12:38.79]Over 12 million people filled out paperwork

[12:43.96]to register and enter the USA here between 1892 and 1954.


[12:54.10]n.& vt.懊悔,遗憾,痛惜



[13:05.98]Healthy eating along with regular exercise

[13:09.45]is the only way to become fit.



[13:20.17]The Nanjing municipal government,

[13:22.82]which is responsible for the regulation of Xiaoling,

[13:26.44]has already invested a lot of money in restoring it.


[13:34.53]vt. 拒绝接受;排斥 n.被排斥者


[13:43.00]vt.叙述;使…有联系 vi. 认同






[14:02.80]adj.相对的;有关系的 n.亲戚




[14:26.20]n.接力赛;接替人 vt. 转发








[14:56.29]n. 宗教;宗教信仰







[15:18.89]Stone does not decay, and so the tools of long ago

[15:23.50]have remained when even the bones of the men

[15:26.94]who made them have disappeared without trace.


[15:32.94]n.言辞;议论 vt.& vi. 评论



[15:46.32]They just hope that when you read the ad,

[15:50.48]you will feel good about their nice comment

[15:53.58]and remember the words ‘freshest food’

[15:56.50]and connect them to the food in the supermarket.



[16:07.50]I have to constantly rub my eyes to remind myself

[16:11.55]that I have travelled to the year AD 3005.




[16:27.15]vt.移开;开除 n. 距离


[16:35.20]n.租金 vt.& vi. 租用 vt. 出租


[16:42.87]vt.修理;恢复 n. 修理

[16:48.72]There are many factories and industries

[16:52.62]which control the amount of pollution they produce,

[16:55.44]and are very careful to spend money repairing any damage they cause.


[17:05.44]v.重复;背诵 n. 重复的事件

[17:11.31]You will hear the sounds repeated and multiplied from

[17:15.61]the roof so that it sounds like frogs croaking.



[17:28.98]However, even though the Normans spoke French,

[17:33.16]throughout the 250 years they ruled England,

[17:36.95]French did not replace English as the first language.


[17:45.15]n.回答 vt.& vi. 回答 vi. 回应


[17:52.81]n.报道 vt.& vi. 报告 vi. 报到

[17:58.24]Watch any TV report on places where there is a war,

[18:03.15]and you will see soldiers wearing blue berets.






[18:24.44]adj.典型的,有代表性的 n.代表



[18:36.72]Not only was Rome a city and a republic,

[18:40.87]but it was also to become the capital of

[18:44.64]one of the largest empires in history.



[18:57.08]The tree was planted near the church fifty years ago,

[19:00.59]but it is only in recent years that it has gained

[19:04.05]an evil reputation. It is said that if anyone touches the tree,

[19:08.64]he will have bad luck.


[19:13.66]n.& vt.要求,请求



[19:24.42]Many people played table tennis because it

[19:27.60]did not require players to go outdoors.




[19:43.62]vt.& n.营救;援救;解救


[19:51.45]n.& v. 研究,调查

[19:55.05]Access to up-to-date, accurate information is

[19:59.35]an important thing for anyone who is involved in research.






[20:22.80]vt.储备;保留 n. 储备

[20:28.65]They could work as an English teacher in Vietnam or

[20:33.38]perhaps even work in a nature reserve protecting kangaroos

[20:36.97]in Australia or zebras in Africa.


[20:46.18]vt.& vi.辞去;放弃;辞职


[20:53.71]vi.& vt.抵抗,抗拒;忍住

[20:59.68]They force him back into a life of crime

[21:03.45]by pressuring him with the threat of violence if he resists.


[21:11.26]n.尊敬;方面 vt. 尊敬


[21:19.18]vi.& vt. 回答 vi. 作出反应

[21:22.69]She’s dropped hints to Julia, but Julia hasn’t responded.




[21:39.94]n.休息;剩余部分 vi.& vt. 休息

[21:46.12]While the rest of the passengers were getting out,

[21:49.58]she glanced at the faces around her.

[21:52.10]Polly found herself staring up at a man standing

[21:58.47]with his hand resting on her arm.




[22:11.20]n. 限制;约束;束缚

[22:16.63]While there is no restriction on foreign entries,

[22:20.38]those that win are in the minority.


[22:26.62]n. 结果;成绩 vi. 发生




[22:40.57]vi.退休;撤退 vt. 使退休


[22:48.77]vi.返回 vt. 报答 n. 击回球

[22:54.65]Police found that Justin did in fact return

[22:57.99]home on Friday night at about 11 p.m.


[23:06.48]vt.调查,回顾 n. 复习课






[23:30.59]n.报酬;报答 vt. 奖励


[23:38.09]vt.& vi.倒带;重绕(磁带等)

[23:45.20]Many drug users wish they could rewind their lives and start over again.


[23:54.54]n. 韵文 vt. 使押韵 vi. 押韵





[24:11.68]The gravity of the situation leads her to run away to Ireland,

[24:16.70]where she opens a chocolate shop and becomes rich.





[24:38.28]In order to avoid marriage, she says

[24:41.06]that any potential husband must answer three riddles correctly or die.


[24:49.69]vi.& vt. 骑马;乘车 n.短途旅程




[25:03.62]adj.正确的;右边的 n. 右




[25:19.69]v.(钟、铃等)响;给(某人)打电话 n.戒指



[25:37.22]Large companies are ripe targets for cybercriminals,

[25:42.91]who are often IT experts.


[25:49.20]vt.& vi.(使)成熟


[25:55.44]vi.上升,上涨 n.上升

[26:01.71]It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet.


[26:10.73]n.冒险,风险 vt. 冒…的危险






[26:29.42]vt.& vi. 烤 adj. 烘烤的 n.烤肉








[26:52.39]vi.飞快地移动 vt. 用火箭弹攻击 n.火箭




[27:05.06]vt.& vi. 滚动 vt.使平坦 n.卷

[27:10.81]In an instant, both boys were rolling and tumbling in the dirt.








[27:34.76]n.根;根源 v.(使)生根






[27:53.19]n.腐烂;腐败 vi.& vt. (使)腐烂

[28:01.15]I feel breathless as I remember my rotten toes

[28:04.90]that had to be removed when they became blackened from frostbite.


[28:13.02]adj. 粗糙的;粗略的 adv. 粗糙地


[28:20.24]adv. 转过来 prep. 在…周围 adj. 圆的


[28:29.04]adj. 迂回的,绕道的 n.环岛


[28:37.26]n. 例行程序;例行公事 adj. 日常的

[28:43.95]Each time, he performs his stand-up routine

[28:48.23]in front of millions of people when the show is broadcast live on TV.


[28:57.70]n.行,排 v. 划船




[29:10.38]adj. 无理的,粗鲁的




[29:20.16]n.废墟;毁坏 vt. 毁灭

[29:25.75]Some of the rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins.


[29:34.79]n.规则,规定 vt.& vi. 统治




[29:49.13]vi.奔跑 vt. 管理 n.跑步的时间

[29:55.38]The truth is that the fog is too thick for the bus to run that far.


[30:05.97]vi.冲,奔 n. 冲进




[30:16.01]adj.俄国人的;俄国的 n. 俄国人
