
A new species of dinosaur discovered in Australia has been confirmed as the largest ever found in the country, and one of the biggest in the world.

其实这一恐龙骨架很早就被发现了,但长期以来,大家都不知道它是什么,还给它起了一个名字,叫Cooper,因为发现它的地方是昆士兰州西南部一个叫Cooper Creek的地方发现的。

The fossilized skeleton, nicknamed "Cooper," was found in southwest Queensland in 2007, at Cooper Creek in the Eromanga Basin. But the skeleton remained a mystery for years, and has only now been scientifically described and named by paleontologists.

科学家现在确认它是一种恐龙,并将其命名为Australotitan cooperensis,并认为这种恐龙生活在9000多万年前。


Researchers at the Eromanga Natural History Museum (ENHM) and the Queensland Museum published their findings in the PeerJ scientific journal on Monday.

"Cooper," whose scientific name is Australotitan cooperensis, is estimated to have walked the Earth over 90 million years ago. It was a titanosaur -- a plant-eating species belonging to the family of long-necked sauropods, the largest of the dinosaur species.

The dinosaur is estimated to have reached a height of 5 to 6.5 meters (16.4 to 21.3 feet) at the hip, and a length of 25 to 30 meters (82 to 98.4 feet) -- making it as long as a basketball court and as tall as a two-story building, the ENHM said.






The enormous size of the bones meant they were stored in museums often hundreds of miles away from each other.

So the team used 3D technology to scan each bone of the titanosaur, which allowed them to digitally compare the bones to those of similar species.



