Word of the Day:August 20, 2021aghast,下面我们就来说一说关于aghast震惊惊骇?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



Word of the Day:August 20, 2021



adjective uh-GAST

What It Means

Aghast means "shocked and upset."

Aghast 意思是“震惊与不安”。


Critics were aghast at how awful the play was.


"The men who gathered in Philadelphia to create the document were the elite of society. Most were wealthy and well-educated. They were large landowners and business people. They had everything to lose if their bid for independence failed. Many of their fellow elite remained loyal to England and King George and were aghast at the behavior of those who signed the Declaration." — Gerry Mulligan, The Citrus County (Florida) Chronicle, 11 July 2021


Did You Know?

If you are aghast, you might look like you've just seen a ghost, or something similarly shocking. Aghast traces back to a Middle English verb, gasten, meaning "to frighten." Gasten (which also gave us ghastly, meaning "terrible or frightening") comes from gast, a Middle English spelling of the word ghost. Gast also came to be used in English as a verb meaning "to scare." That verb is now obsolete, but its spirit lives on in words spoken by the character Edmund in William Shakespeare's King Lear: "gasted by the noise I made, full suddenly he fled."

如果您感到震惊,您可能看起来就像刚刚看到了鬼魂或类似的令人震惊的东西。 Aghast 可追溯到中世纪英语动词 gasten,意思是“ to frighten「吓唬」”。 Gasten(也给我们带来了ghastly「可怕的」,意思是“ terrible or frightening「可怕的或令人恐惧的」”)来自于 gast,它是ghost 一词中古英语的拼写。 Gast 也在英语中作动词,意思是“to scare「吓唬」”。 这个动词现在已经过时了,但它的精神仍然存在于威廉·莎士比亚的《李尔王》中埃德蒙这个角色所说的:“ Gasted by the noise I made, full suddenly he fled「被我产生的声音吓到了,他突然逃走了」。”


What 4-letter word begins with "a" and means "astonished"?

