
国家主席11月29日以视频方式出席中非合作论坛第八届部长级会议开幕式并发表主旨演讲。就构建新时代中非命运共同体提出4点主张。第一,坚持团结抗疫。第二,深化务实合作。第三,推进绿色发展。第四,维护公平正义。President Xi Jinping put forward four proposals to build a China-Africa community with a shared future in the new era while delivering a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Eighth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) via video link on Nov 29. He called on both sides to fight COVID-19 with solidarity, deepen practical cooperation, promote green development, and uphold equity and justice.









Why do China and Africa have such a close relationship and so deep a bond of friendship? The key lies in an everlasting spirit of China-Africa friendship and cooperation forged between the two sides, which features sincere friendship and equality, win-win for mutual benefit and common development, fairness and justice, and progress with the times and openness and inclusiveness. This truly captures the relations of China and Africa working together in good and hard times over the past decades, and provides a source of strength for the continuous growth of China-Africa friendly relations.



中非友好合作China-Africa friendship and cooperation

中非全面战略合作伙伴关系China-Africa comprehensive strategic and cooperative partnership
