作者: 褚澄(Author: Chu Cheng)来源: 汉典古籍(Source: Chinese classics),下面我们就来说一说关于程氏遗书全文翻译?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



作者: 褚澄(Author: Chu Cheng)来源: 汉典古籍(Source: Chinese classics)

《褚氏遗书》一卷,旧本题南齐褚澄撰。澄字彦适,阳翟人,褚渊弟也。尚宋文帝女庐江公主,拜驸马都尉。入齐为吴郡太守,官至左民尚书。事迹具《南齐书。本传》。是书分受形、本气、平脉、津润、分体、精血、除疾、审微、辨书、问子十篇,大旨发挥人身气血阴阳之奥。《宋史》始著於录。前有後唐清泰二年萧渊序,云黄巢时群盗发冢,得石刻弃之,先人偶见载归,後遗命即以褚石为椁。又有释义堪序,云石刻得之萧氏冢中,凡十有九片,其一即萧渊序也。又有嘉泰元年丁介跋,称此书初得萧氏父子护其石而始全,继得僧义堪笔之纸而始存,今得刘义先锓之木而始传云云。考周密《癸辛杂识》,引其非男非女之身一条,则宋代已有此本,所谓刻於嘉泰中者,殆非虚语。其书於《灵枢》、《素问》之理颇有发明,李时珍、王肯堂俱采用之。其论寡妇僧尼必有异乎妻妾之疗,发前人所未发。而论吐血便血饮寒凉百不一生,尤千古之龟鉴。疑宋时精医理者所著,而伪托澄以传。然其言可采,虽赝本不可废也。中颇论精血化生之理,所以辨病源、戒保啬耳。高儒《百川书志》列之房中类,则其误甚矣。本书系唐朝人从褚氏椁中发现石刻整理而成。宋嘉泰年间刊行流传。全书共分为受形、本气、平脉、精血、津润、分体、余疾、审微、辨书、问子10篇。内容简短,多据《内经》理论加以阐述发挥。本书体现了作者重视精血、津液学说。其中对血证及妇科病证治的见解,为后世医家所重视。A volume of Chu's posthumous letter was written by Chu Cheng in the Nanqi period. Chengzi Yanshi, Yangzhai people, Chu Yuan brother also. Princess Lujiang County, Princess of the Song Dynasty, worships Prince Duwei. Enter Qi for Wu County magistrate, officials to the left people Shangshu. Deeds with the book of Nanqi. This biography. The book is divided into shape, natural Qi, flat pulse, Jin run, split, blood, disease, micro-examination, discrimination book, Question Son 10, the general purpose of the body Qi and Blood Yin and Yang of the mystery. The history of Song Dynasty begins with a record. Before and after the Tang Dynasty Qingtai two years Xiao Yuan Xu, Yunhuang nest when the mass pilfered hair mound, got stone carving abandoned, the ancestors occasionally see the return, after the order is to Chu Shi. Also has the explanation Canxu, the cloud stone engraves in Xiao's tomb, all ten have nine pieces, one is Xiao Yuan Xu also. Jiayuans Dingjie BA, said the book was the beginning of the Xiao's father and son to protect its stone and began to complete, followed by the Monk Yi Kanbi paper and began to exist, and now Liu Yi's first wood and began to spread. This book was written in the Song Dynasty, so-called "Gui Xin Za Shi" is not only a man but also a woman. His book in the "Ling Shu" , "Su Wen" the rationale quite invented, Li Shizhen, Wang Kentang all adopted it. The treatment of widowed monks and nuns must be different from that of wives and concubines, which has never been done before. And on vomiting blood and blood drink cold and cool hundred life, especially the eternal Turtle Jian. In the Song Dynasty, the theory of fine medical science was suspected to have been written, but it was passed on under false pretenses. However, his words can be taken, although the forgeries can not be discarded. In the theory of Jing Xue Hua Sheng, so identify the source of disease, to protect the ear. Gao Ru's Baichuan annals of books listed the categories in the room, it is very wrong. This book is the Tang Dynasty from the Chu found in the stone carving finishing. Song Jiatai Years Popular Circulation. The book is divided into shape, Qi, flat pulse, blood, Jin run, sub-body, disease, micro-examination, discrimination book, Question Son 10. The content is short, more according to "Canon of medicine" theory to elaborate play. This book reflects the author of the importance of blood, body fluid theory. The views on blood syndrome and gynecological diseases are valued by doctors of later generations.

◎ 序 ◎ 受形 ◎ 本气 ◎ 平脉◎ 津润◎ 分体 ◎ 精血◎ 除疾 ◎ 审微◎ 辩书 ◎ 问子◎ 跋The preface by the shape of the Natural Qi ¡ ò the smooth pulse ¡ ò The division of the essence and blood ¡ ò the trial ¡ ò ¡ ò ¡ ò the defense ¡ ò ¡ ò the postscript ¡ ò序PrefaceHuang Chao mugged and dug up Kampar from the mass grave. Yu Daxue Yan, Abbot Yu, central stone, 10 have eight pieces, such as a coffin, its cover six stone, the title said: "Qi Chu Cheng to go. " Open the cover coffin, the bone has been snake ants, the hole ring stone inward, the text Xiaoran. Steal suspect military book, remove the point, ignore it. Meet the ancestors, read through. Keep your neighbors safe. Next year with a boat to return, to send officials to its wide spread, by the war reform, the ancestors are also unfortunate. The foreign matter of the posthumous order should be turned away at last. The Book of God can not be stored for a long time. The stone of Chu is the substance of my coffin. Those who seek the power to transfer ink to cure engraving hundred copies of the scattered. I will obey your commandment. The ancestors used to be very broad, and their words were often used.清泰二年五月十九日古扬萧渊序May 19th, the second year of the Qing Dynasty靖康初,金人入境,羣盜乗\間,在處有之。去扬城北三十五里陳源橋,有蕭家世居其間,葢貧不能自振矣。守一冢甚勤,曰:“吾十二世祖葬父於此,吾家冢凡數百,世世惟守此耳。”盜疑其起家者富而厚葬,日夕窺之。二家因語人曰:“吾十二世祖葬其父明經廣叔,常用石刻秘經為槨,從治遺命也。已而不忍其柩有將發之兆,遂敕子孫世守之耳。”窺者仍故二家因会鄉人啟視之,漆棺如新刻,石十有九片,其一葢蕭淵序也。乃移柩葬居側,而舉石於門外,有告蕭得埋寳者,遂納石於今。予時持鉢\將為南嶽之逰,過蕭門結葬縁,適見其事,謾録諸策,以俟能者。 RMC, on the other hand, has been on the move since the early days of the Qing Dynasty. To the north of Yangcheng thirty-five Li Chenyuan Bridge, Xiao family lived in the middle, poor can not self-vibration. "My 12th grandfather was buried here, " he said, "my family's grave is hundreds of years old, but I never heard of it. ". "My 12th father buried his father in the Ming Dynasty, and he often used the secret scriptures carved in stone as a coffin for his posthumous orders. He could not bear the omen of his coffin, so he asked his sons and grandsons to keep their ears open. " Lacquer coffin such as new engravings, stone there are nine, one of the Xiao Yuan Xu also. He moved the coffin and buried it on the side. He held the stone outside the door. He told Xiao to bury the power, so he accepted the stone. Try it out for Nanyue with a bowl, and it will be done properly, so that those who can do it will be put on probation.二年結制前五日衛國釋義堪書Five days before the end of the second year受形By the shape of the body男女之合,二情交畅,阴血先至,阳精后冲,血开裹精,精入为骨,而男形成矣;阳精先入,阴血后参,精开裹血,血入居本,而女形成矣。阳气聚面,故男子面重,溺死者必伏;阴气聚背,故女子背重,溺死者必仰。走兽溺死者,伏仰皆然。阴阳均至,非男非女之身,精血散分骈胎、品胎之兆,父少母老,产女必羸;母壮父衰,生男必弱。古之良工,首察乎此,补羸女先养血壮脾;补弱男则壮脾节色;羸女宜及时而嫁,弱男宜待壮而婚,此疾外所务之本,不可不察也。In the Union of men and women, the Yin blood comes first, the Yang essence comes later, the blood opens to wrap up the essence, the essence enters into the bone, but the man forms; the Yang essence enters first, the Yin blood posterior Ginseng, the essence opens to wrap up the blood, the blood enters this, but the woman forms. Yang-qi gather side, so men face heavy, drowning will fall; yin-qi gather back, so women back heavy, drowning will be Yang. The beast drowns the dead, prostrate. Yin and Yang are to, non-male non-female body, blood scattered pian embryo, goods fetal omen, parents young and old, the birth of a woman will win; strong father decline, the birth of a man will be weak. Ancient good workers, first look at this, Bulei women first nourish the spleen; fill weak men are strong spleen stanza color; women should be timely and marry, weak men should be strong and marry, this disease outside the work of this, can not be overlooked.本气Natural Qi天地之气,周于一年,人身之气,周于一日。人身阳气以子中自左足而上,循左股、左手指、左肩、左脑、横过右脑、右肩、右臂手指、胁、足,则又子中矣;阴气以午中自右手心通右臂、右肩、横过左肩、左臂、左胁、左足外肾、右足、右胁,则又午中矣。阳气所历,充满周流,阴气上不过脑,下遗指趾,二气之行,昼夜不息,中外必偏,一为痰积壅塞,则痰疾生焉,疾证医候,统纪浩繁,详其本源。痰积虚耳,或痰聚上,或积恶中,遏气之流,艰于流转,则上气逆上,下气郁下,脏腑失常,形骸受害。暨乎!气本衰弱,运转难迟,或有不周,血亦偏滞,风湿寒暑乘间袭之,所生痰疾,与痰积同。凡人之生,热而汗,产而易,二便顺利,则气之通也。阳虚不能运阴气,无阴气以清其阳,则易独治,而为热;阴虚不能运阳气,无阳气以和其阴,则阴独治,而为厥。脾以养气,肺以通气,肾以泄气,心以役气,凡脏有五,肝独不与,在时为春,在常为仁,不养不通,不泄不役,而气常生,心虚则气入而为荡,肺虚则气入而为喘,肝虚则气入而目昏,肾虚则气入而腰疼。四虚气人,脾独不与,受食不化,气将日微,安能有余以入其虚,乌乎?兹谓气之名理与。The Qi of Heaven and earth is weekly in a year, and the Qi of human body is weekly in a day. The Body yang-qi rises from the left foot to the left thigh, the left hand finger, the left shoulder, the left brain, across the right brain, the right shoulder, the right arm finger, the flank, the foot, then the son is in again; Yin Qi passes right arm, right shoulder, across left shoulder, left arm, left flank, left foot external kidney, right foot, right flank from right hand at noon. Yang-qi is full of circumfluence, Yin-qi does not pass over the brain, and the last finger and toe, two-qi Travel, day and night, Chinese and foreign will be partial, one for the accumulation of phlegm congestion, then Phlegm disease-producing Yan, syndrome, the general record of the vast, detailed its origin. Phlegm accumulation virtual ear, or phlegm accumulation, or accumulation of evil, containing the flow of Qi, difficult in circulation, then the upper Qi up, lower Qi depression, zang-fu disorder, shape of the victim. And almost! Qi is weak, difficult to run late, or not weeks, blood is also partial stagnation, rheumatism, cold and heat hit between, resulting in phlegm disease, and phlegm accumulation. Mortal life, heat and sweat, production and easy, two will be smooth, the gas is also. Yang-deficiency can not transport yin-qi, no yin-qi to clear its Yang, it is easy to rule alone, but for heat; yin-deficiency can not transport yang-qi, no yang-qi to and its Yin, it is yin to rule alone, but for jue. The Spleen Nourishes Qi, the lung deflates Qi, the kidney deflates Qi, the heart deflates Qi, the heart has five, the liver alone does not with, at the time for spring, in Chang Ren, not Yangbu, not deflate not work, and Qi Chang Sheng, the heart is empty then the Qi enters for Dang, the lung is empty then the Qi enters for asthma, the liver is empty then the Qi enters for faint, the kidney is deficient then the Qi enters but the waist ache. Four empty gas people, the spleen alone do not with, not food, gas will be day micro, Ann can have more than into its empty, Wuhu? This is the name of Qi and reason.平脉Flat Pulse脉分两手,手分三部,隔寸尺者,命之曰关,去肘度尺曰尺,关前一寸为寸,左手之寸极上,右手之尺极下,男子阳顺,自下生上,故极下之地,右手之尺为受,命之根本。如天地未分,元气浑沌也。既受命矣,万物从土而出,惟脾为先,故尺上之关为脾,脾上生金,故关上之寸为肺,肺金生水,故自右手之寸,越左手之尺为肾,肾水生木,故左手尺上之关为肝,肝木生火,故关上之寸为心。女子阴逆自上生下,故极上之地,左手之寸为受命之根本,既受命矣,万物从土而出,惟脾为先,故左手寸下之关之脾,脾土生金,故关下之尺为肺,肺金生水,故左手之尺越右手之寸为肾,肾水生木,故右手寸下之关为肝,肝木生火,故关下之尺为心。男子右手尺脉常弱,初生微眇之气也;女子尺脉常强,心大之位也,非男非女之身,感以妇人,则男脉应,动以男子则女脉顺指,不察乎此,难与言医。同化五,故胃为脾府,而脉从脾;同气通泄,故大肠为肺府,而脉从肺;同主精血,故膀胱为肾府,而脉从肾;同感交合,故小肠为心府,而脉从心;同以脉为窃,故胆为肝府,而脉从肝澄生当后世传其言而已,尔初决其秘,发悟后人者,非至神乎。体修长者脉疏,形侏儒者脉蹙,肥人如沉,而正沉者愈沉,瘦人如浮,而正浮者愈浮,未烛斯理,遏愈众疾,表里多名,呼吸定到,抑皆末也。世俗并传,兹得略云尔。The pulse is divided into two hands, the hand is divided into three parts, separated by size, the life is called off, the elbow ruler is called off, the front one inch is called off, the left hand is called on, the right hand is called on, the right hand is called on, the right hand is called on, the right hand is called on, the right hand is called on, the right hand is called on, the right hand is called on, the right hand is called on. If Heaven and earth are not divided, the vitality is chaotic. Since we are doomed, everything comes out of the earth, but the spleen is the first, therefore the pass on the ruler is for the spleen, and the pass on the ruler is for gold; therefore the pass on the ruler is for the lung, and the lung is for Water; therefore the pass on the right hand is for the kidney, and the pass on the left hand is for the kidney, and the pass on the ruler is for the liver, and the liver is for fire, so close your heart. Since the female Yin is born from the top, the left hand is the root of the command. Since the command is carried out, everything comes out from the earth, but the spleen is the first. Therefore, the spleen under the left hand is the spleen, the spleen and the earth produce gold. Therefore, the foot under the command is the lung, the lung gold produces water, therefore, the left hand over the right hand inch for the kidney, kidney water health wood, so the right hand inch for the liver, liver wood fire, so off the size of the heart. A man's right-hand pulse is often weak, and a woman's pulse is always strong. A woman's heart is larger than a man's. A man's pulse responds to a woman's. A man's pulse follows his finger. Assimilation five, therefore the stomach for the spleen, and pulse from the Spleen; with Qi to vent, therefore the large intestine for the lung, and pulse from the lung; with the main essence of blood, therefore the bladder for the kidney, and pulse from the Kidney; with empathy, therefore the small intestine for the heart, and pulse from the heart; with the pulse for stealing, therefore the liver, the pulse from the liver Chengsheng when the posterity of its words, the beginning of its secret decision, the discovery of posterity, not to God. The body slender elderly pulse sparse, midget shape of the pulse cu, fat people such as heavy, and is heavier, thin people such as floating, and is floating, not a candle Sili, contain more diseases, surface and interior multi-name, absorption to, suppress all the end also. In the name of all things worldly, I give you Jules Verne.津润Jin Run天地定位,而水位乎中,天地通气,而水气蒸达,土润膏滋,云兴雨降,而百物生化。人肖天地,亦有水焉,在上为痰,伏皮为血,在下为精,从毛窍出为汗,从腹肠出为泻,从疮口出为水,痰尽死,精竟死,汗枯死,泻极死。水从疮口出不止,干即死,至于血充目则视明,充耳则听聪,充四肢则举动强,充肌肤则身色白,渍则黑,去则黄,外热则赤,内热则上蒸喉,或下蒸大肠,为小窍,喉有窍,则咳血,杀人,肠有窍则便血,杀人,便血犹可止,咳血不易医,喉不停物,毫发必咳,血渗入喉,愈渗愈咳,愈咳愈渗,饮溲溺则百不一死,服寒凉则百不一生,血虽阴类,运之者,其和阳乎。Heaven and earth positioning, and the water level, heaven and Earth Ventilation, and water vapor reach, Earth Moisten Paste, cloud Xingyu rain, and all the biochemical. In Heaven and earth, there is also water Yan, on the sputum, Fu Pi for blood, under the fine, from hair orifices for sweat, from the abdomen and intestines for diarrhea, from the sore mouth for water, spit to death, Jing Jing Jing Jing Jing Jing died, sweat died, diarrhea very dead. Water comes out of the mouth of the boil, and when it is dry, it will die; when blood fills the eyes, it will see; when it fills the ears, it will hear; when it fills the limbs, it will move; when it fills the skin, it will be white; when it fills the skin, it will be black; when it is gone, it will be yellow; when it is hot outside, it will be red; when it is hot inside, it will steam the throat; or when it boils the large intestine below, it is a small orifices; when it has orifices, it will cough up blood and kill people, if there is a hole in the intestine, blood will be excreted in the stool, blood will still be stopped, hemoptysis is not easy to cure, the throat does not stop, hair will cough, blood will seep into the throat, more oozing cough, more coughing and oozing, drinking deutzia will not die, taking cold and cool is not a life-long process, although blood is Yin, the transport of the person, its and Yang. 分体dimorphism耳目鼻口阴尻窍也,臂股指趾肢也,双乳外肾关也,齿发爪甲余也,枝脂旁趾附也,养耳力者常饱,养目力者常瞑,养臂指者常屈伸,养股趾者常步履。夏脏宜冷,冬脏宜温,背阴肢末虽夏宜温,胸包心火虽冬难热,热作肿而窍塞,血不行而肢废,余有消长无疾,痛附有疾,痛无生死者疣瘤而已。Eyes, ears, nose, mouth, Yin rump and orifices, arms, legs, fingers, toes, arms, legs, legs, teeth, hair, nails, branches, fat, toes, ears, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet, feet. Summer dirty should be cold, winter dirty should be warm, back limb end although summer warm, chest envelop fire although winter difficult hot, hot for swelling and Orifices, blood not line and waste, there are no disease, pain with disease, pain without life and death wart.精血Seminal blood余食五味养髓骨肉血肌肤毛发。男子为阳,阳中必有阴,阳之中数八,故一八而阳精升,二八而阳精溢。女子为阴,阴中必有阳,阳之中数七,故一七而阴血升,二七而阴血溢。阳精阴血皆饮食五味之实秀也。方其升也,智虑开明,齿牙更始,发黄者黑,筋弱者强,即其溢也。凡充身肢体手足耳目之余,虽针芥之沥无有不下,凡子形肖父母者,以其精血尝于父母之身无所不历也。是以父一肢废则子一肢不肖其父母,一目亏则一目不肖其母,然雌鸟牝兽无天癸而成胎者何也?鸟兽精血往来尾间也,精未通而御女以通其精,则五体有不满之处,异日有难状之疾,阴已痿而思色以降其精,则精不出,内败小便道涩,而为淋精已耗而复竭之,则大小便道牵疼,愈疼则愈欲大小便,愈便则愈疼。女人天癸既至,十年无男子合则不调,未十年思男子合亦不调,不调则旧血不出,新血误行,或渍而入骨,或变而之肿,或虽合而难子。合男子多则涩枯虚人,产乳众则血枯杀人,观其精血思过半矣。I have five tastes, marrow, flesh, skin, hair. Men for Yang, Yang will have Yin, Yang in the number of eight, so 18 and Yang Jing Sheng, 28 and Yang Jing overflow. Women for Yin, Yin will have Yang, Yang in the number of seven, so a seven and Yin blood rose, 27 and Yin blood overflow. The essence of Yang, Yin and blood all eat the essence of five tastes. Fang Qisheng is also open-minded, more teeth, yellow of the black, strong tendons, that is its overflow. Where the body, hands, feet, eyes and ears, although the needle of the lethality of all, the son of the parents, with its blood taste in the body of the parents all the experience. Is the father of a limb is a limb to dishonor his parents, one eye loss is a dishonor its mother, however, female birds and beasts have no days to become a fetus how also? The blood of birds and beasts flows from tail to tail. If the master does not pass through and the imperial daughter passes through his essence, then the five bodies will have their discontents. In the future, there will be an illness that is difficult to take shape. When the YIN has become exhausted and the thought of his essence has been lowered, he will not be able to get rid of it, the more pain, the more desire to urinate and defecate, the more pain. Woman days both to, 10 years without a man is not in tune, not 10 years without thinking of a man is also not in tune, not in tune with the old blood not out, new blood by mistake, or stains into the bone, or become swollen, or although combined and difficult son. He men are more astringent and dry virtual people, the production of milk is dried blood to kill people, to watch its blood thought more than half.除疾Get rid of disease除疾之道,极其候证,询其嗜好,察致疾之由来,观时人之所患,则穷其病之始终矣。穷其病矣,外病疗内,上病救下,辨病藏之虚实,通病藏之母子,相其老壮,酌其浅深,以制其剂,而十全上功至焉。制剂独味,为上二味次之,多品为下。酸通骨,甘解毒,苦去热,咸导下,辛发滞当验之。药未验切戒,亟投大势,既去余势。不宜再药,修而肥者,饮剂丰羸而弱者受药减。用药如用兵,用医如用将,善用兵者,徒有车之功;善用药者,姜有桂之效,知其才智,以军付之,用将之道也。知其方,伎以生付之用,医之道也。世无难治之疾,有不善治之医,药无难代之品,有不善代之人,民中绝命,断可识矣。The Way to get rid of disease is to inquire about its hobby, observe the cause of the disease, look at what people are suffering from, and then exhaust its disease from beginning to end. Poor disease, external disease treatment, on the disease to save the next, to identify the disease hidden deficiency and excess, common disease hidden mother and son, relative to its old strong, discretion its shallow depth, in order to make its agent, and 1000 on the merit to Yan. The preparation is single flavor, second to the upper two flavors, multi-products for the lower. Acid Tonggu, Gan Jiedu, bitter to heat, salty under the guidance of Xin Fa Zhi when the test. The medicine has not been tested and cut off, so it is urgent to follow the general trend and lose the residual trend. No longer medicine, repair and fat, drink Fenglei and the weak by drug reduction. If medicine is used as a weapon, and if medicine is used as a general, those who make good use of it will only have the power of a chariot; those who make good use of medicine will have the power of Kuei. Know its square, Jiyue to live to pay with, the way of medicine also. There is no incurable disease, there is no good cure, medicine is not difficult to replace the product, there is no good for the people to die, cut off can know.审微Examination of micro疾有误凉而得冷,证有似是而实非,差之毫厘,损其寿命。《浮栗经·二气篇》曰:“诸泻皆为热,诸冷皆为节,热则先凉藏,冷则先温血。”《腹疾篇》曰:“干痛有时当为虫,产余刺痛皆变肿。”《伤寒篇》曰:“伤风时疫湿暑宿痰,作疟作疹,俱类伤寒,时人多疟,宜防为疟。时人多疹,宜防作疹。春瘟夏疫,内证先出中湿、中暑,诚以苓木投之。发散剂吐汗下俱至此证,号宿痰失导,必肢废嗟乎。病有微而杀人势有重而易治精微,区别天下之良工哉。The disease has the mistake cool but gets cold, the certificate has the specious but true, the difference millimeter, damages its life. "Fu Li Jing Er Qi Pian" says: "All diarrhea is hot, all cold is a festival, the heat first cool storage, cold first warm blood. " "Abdominal Disease Pian" says: "dry pain sometimes when the worm, after production tingling are swollen. " "typhoid fever chapter" says: "When the epidemic of typhoid fever, damp, summer and Phlegm, for malaria, all kinds of typhoid fever, when people have malaria, it is appropriate to prevent malaria. People with rashes are advised to prevent rashes. Spring and summer pestilence, Internal Syndrome first out of the WET, heatstroke, Chengyi Lingmu cast. The dispersing agent spits the sweat all to this card, the old phlegm loses the guidance, must the limb waste Moan. There is a slight disease and murder potential is serious and easy to cure fine, distinguish the world of good work.辩书Pleadings尹彦成问曰:“五运六气是邪非邪?”曰:“大挠作甲子隶首,作数志岁月日时远近耳,故以当年为甲子岁,冬至为甲子月,朔为甲子日,夜半为甲子时,使岁月日时积一十百千万亦有条而不紊也。配以五行,位以五方,皆人所为也。岁月日时,甲子乙丑,次第而及天地五行,寒暑风雨,仓猝而变,人婴所气,疾作于身。气难预期,故疾难预定;气非人为,故疾难人测。推验多舛,拯救易误,俞扁弗议,淳华未稽,吾未见其是也。”曰:《素问》之书,成于黄岐,运气之宗,起于《素问》。将古圣哲妄邪曰:“尼父删经,三坟犹废,扁鹊卢出,虚医遂多,尚有黄岐之医籍乎,后书之托,名于圣哲也。”曰:“然则诸书不足信邪。”曰:“由汉而上有说无方,由汉而下有方无说,说不乖理,方不违义,虽出后学,亦是良师。固知君子之言不求贫朽,然于武成之策,亦取二三。”曰:“居今之世,为古之工,亦有道乎。”曰:“师友良医,因言而识变,观省旧典,假筌以求鱼博,涉知病多,诊识胍屡用达药,则何愧于古人。”Yin Yancheng asked: "is the five movements and six atmospheres evil or not evil? " He said: "Da Nao makes the head of Jiazi Li, and makes the dates far and near, so that when the year was Jiazi year, the winter solstice was Jiazi month, the new moon was Jiazi Day, and the midnight was Jiazi Day, so that the years and days accumulated 10,000,000,000 were orderly. ". With the five elements, the position to the five parties, are also people. Years and years, the second ugly, the first and heaven and earth five elements, cold and summer wind and rain, sudden change, people by baby gas, disease in the body. Gas is hard to predict, so disease is hard to predict; gas is not man-made, so hard to measure. "I have not seen the book of plain questions, " he said, cheng Yu Huang Qi, the school of luck, from the "plain question" .The ancient sage said deliciously, "the Buddhist monk deleted the scriptures, the three graves were still abolished, the Bian Que Lu was expelled from the country, there were many fake medical records of Huang Qi, and the latter books were entrusted to the name of the sage. " However, all the books were insufficient to believe in evil. "In this day and age, it is the work of the ancients that has the Tao, " said: "A good teacher and a good doctor can recognize changes in his words, observe the old classics, and Quan is a man of great learning. He knows many diseases, and when he examines Guanidine, he often uses medicine, which is not worthy of the ancients. "问子Ask The son建平王妃姬等皆丽而无子,择良家未笄女入御又无子。问曰:“求男有道乎?”澄对之曰:“合男女必当其年,男虽十六而精通,必三十而娶;女虽十四而天癸至,必二十而嫁,皆欲阴阳气完实而后交合,则交而孕,孕而育,育而为子,坚壮强寿。今未笄之女,天癸始至,已近男色,阴气早泄,未完而伤,未实而动,是以交而不孕,孕而不育,育而子脆不寿,此王之所以无子也。然妇人有所产皆女者,有所产皆男者,大王诚能访求多男妇人谋置宫府,有男之道也。”王曰:“善”。未再期生六男,夫老阳遇少阴,老阴遇少阳,亦有子之道也。Princess Jianping and others were beautiful and childless, choose a good home not to Jiji female into the royal and childless. He asked, "is there a way for a man to marry? " To which he replied, "a man and a woman must be of the same age; a man who is sixteen and well-versed must marry at thirty; a woman who is fourteen and at the end of the day must marry at twenty. Today, not Jiji female, days from the beginning, has nearly men's color, Yin early ejaculation, not finished and hurt, not real and move, is to make friends but sterile, pregnant but sterile, bearing children simply not life, this king is also childless. But if a woman has property that is female and property that is male, the king can ask many men and women to seek for a palace, which is the way of a man. No longer period born six men, the husband old Yang met Shaoyin, the old Yin met Shaoyang, also have son way.跋Postscript右褚澄遗书一卷,初得萧氏父子护其石而其书始全,继得僧义堪笔之纸而其书始存,今得刘继先锓之木而其书始传,亦可谓多幸矣。澄字彦道,河南阳翟人,宋武帝之甥,尚书左仆射湛之之子,庐江公主之夫,齐太宰侍中录尚书公渊之弟,仕宋自附马都尉,遍历清显,仕齐至侍中领右军将军,永明元年卒(《南史》云永元元年卒,误也。)东昏侯立其女为皇后,追赠金紫光禄大夫,实永元元年,去其卒时已七十年矣。遗书题其赠官,岂萧广得其椁石,考之史传而附题于前乎?初齐高帝爱子豫章王嶷,自江陵赴都得疾日臻,帝忧形于色,乃大赦天下,闻澄传杨淳秘方,召澄治立愈,帝喜甚,擢澄左氏尚书以宠之,其守吴郡也。民有李道念,以公事至郡,澄遥见谓曰:“汝有奇疾。”道念曰:“某得冷疾五年矣。”澄诊其脉,曰:非冷也,由多食鸡子所致,可煮苏一斗服之,即吐物如升许,涎裹之动,抉涎出视,乃一鸡雏,翅距已具而能走。澄曰:未也,盍服其余药从之,凡吐十三枚,疾乃瘳,其妙皆此类也。是书幽眇简切,多前人所未发而岂徒哉。问子篇称建平王,当是澄之妻之景素,其生子六,即延龄延年辈。云嘉泰元年日南至甘泉寄士丁介跋。Chu Cheng on the right of a volume, the beginning of the Xiao Father and son to protect its stone and the book began to complete, followed by the Monk Yi Kanbi paper and its book began to exist, now Liu Jixian of the tree and its book began to spread, it can also be said that it is more fortunate. Chengzi Yandao, nephew of Emperor Wu of the Song Dynasty, son of Shang Shu Zuo Busha Zhan, husband of Princess Lujiang County, younger brother of Shang Shu Gongyuan, Shi Song from Ma Duwei, clear and clear, Shi Qi to Shi Zhong leading right army general, the first year of the Yongming Dynasty (Yunyongyuan Year in the history of the south, by mistake) was the first year of the Yongming Dynasty. His posthumous note on his official status, Xiao Guangde stone, the history of the examination and attached to the title in the former Hu? In the early days of the Qi Dynasty, when the Emperor's beloved son, Yu Zhangwang, came to Jiangling, the emperor became increasingly worried. This was an amnesty to the world. He was told to pass on Yang Chun's secret recipe for healing. The emperor was so pleased that he promoted Cheng Zuo's Shang Shu to be his favorite. He also served in Wu County. People have Li Daonian, with official business to the county, Chengyao see that said: "You have strange disease. " Tao Read: "A cold disease for five years to carry out. " Chengzhi pulse, said: not cold is also caused by eating more chicken, can cook Su a bucket of clothes, that is, vomit such as rising Xu, wrapped in motion, the choice saliva out of sight, is a chicken, wing distance already has and can walk. Cheng Yue: not also, the rest of the medicine in the saying from it, where the 13 pieces of vomit, disease is AH, its wonderful are such also. It is the book Youyoujueqian, many people have never been found but futile. Wenzi chapter called Jianping King, when the wife of Chengcheng Jingsu, its six children, that is, the age extension generation. Wan ka-tai's first year south to Ganquan.
