1. bored [bɔːd]adj. 无聊的,下面我们就来说一说关于自考英语二高频词汇打印版?我们一起去了解并探讨一下这个问题吧!



1. bored [bɔːd]

adj. 无聊的

The first song will lift your mood a little. The second will make you a little bored. (2015.4 阅读判断) 第一首歌会让你心情好一些。第二首歌会让你感到无聊

2. ceremony ['serɪmənɪ]

n. 仪式

This money is to help pay for the wedding ceremony and for setting up house afterwards.(2013.4 阅读理 解)


3. certain [ˈsɜ:tn]

adj. 某个

Sometimes in poetry a certain phrase can bring tears to the eyes and move us deeply.(2013.10 完形补文) 有时候诗里的某个措辞会让我们热泪盈眶,深深的感动我们。

4. colleague ['kɒliːg]

n. 同事

shook hands with colleagues (2015.4 阅读选择) 和同事握手

5. comfortable [ˈkʌmftəbl]

adj. 舒适的

When I am very tired , music can make me comfortable.(2015.4 阅读判断) 当我很累的时候,音乐能让我感到舒适

6. communicate [kə'mjuːnɪkeɪt]

vt. 传达

Good parents have the ability to communicate messages of love, trust, and self-worth with their children.(2011.4 词汇与语法结构)


7. degree [dɪ'griː]

n. 学位

After getting his medical degree, Robbie, the son of a taxi driver, became a doctor at Columbia Medical Center. (2014.10 阅读判断) 罗比,一个出租车司机的儿子,获得医学学位后,成为了一个在哥伦比亚大学医学中心的医生。

8. develop [dɪ'veləp]

vt. 开发

American scientists are developing an “intelligent” mobile phone capable of blocking incoming calls depending on the owner’s mood.(2011.4 阅读理解) 美国科学家正在开发一款智能手机,它能够根据主人的心情来阻断手机来电。

9. device [dɪ'vaɪs]

n. 装置

Today’s computers are pretty dumb compared with the device.(2011.4 阅读理解) 与这个设备相比,今天的电脑显得相当傻帽。

10. disappointed [dɪsə'pɒɪntɪd]

adj. 沮丧的

The boy was instantly disappointed and said he had only been given $20. (2014.4 阅读选择) 这个男孩立瞬间很沮丧,说他只有 20 美元。

11. due [djuː]

adj. 应有的

Many people use passwords without due caution.(2012.10 阅读理解) 许多人使用密码没有应有的谨慎。

due to

adv. 应归于

I suspect the difference in height between Americans and Europeans is due to both diet and health care. (2013.4 阅读理解)

