




When I see the names of lovers engraved on a tree, I don't find it cute or romantic. I find it weird how many people take knives with them on dates.


My husband and I have come to a difficult decision: we don't want children. If anybody does, please leave your contact information, and we'll drop them off tomorrow.


Do you know the phrase “One man's trash is another man’s treasure”? I don't know why, but adopted people don't like it.


I love telling jokes about orphans. What are they going to do? Tell their parents?


A priest asks the convicted murderer at the electric chair, “Do you have any last requests?” “Yes,” replies the murderer. “Can you please hold my hand?”


I’ve got the perfect body, but it’s at home in my freezer.


My daughter asked me how stars die. “Usually an overdose,” I told her.


A man wakes from a coma. His wife changes out of her black clothes and, irritated, remarks, “I really cannot depend on you in anything, can I!”


When my Uncle Frank died, he wanted his cremations to be buried in his favorite beer mug. His last wish was to be Frank in Stein.


When I die, I want to die like my grandfather, who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.


I hate double standards. Burn a body at a crematorium, you're "being a respectful friend." Do it at home and you're "destroying evidence."


I was digging in our garden and found a chest full of gold coins. I wanted to run straight home to tell my wife about it. Then I remembered why I was digging in our garden.


I have a joke about trickle-down economics. But 99% of you will never get it.


Gen Z should change their name to quaranteens.




Doctor: “You'll be at peace soon”

Man: “Am I dying?”

Doctor:"No, your wife is"


Genders are like the twin towers. There used to be two of them and now it’s a sensitive subject.


“Mom, why is my backpack so heavy? ”“Allahu Akbar my son. Allahu Akbar.”



You don't need a parachute to go skydiving. You need a parachute to go skydiving twice.


A guy walks with a young boy into the woods. The boy turns to him and says, "Hey mister, it's getting really dark and I'm scared." The man replies, "How do you think I feel? I have to walk back alone."


Turns out a major new study recently found that humans eat more bananas than monkeys. It’s true. I can’t remember the last time I ate a monkey.


As I get older, I remember all the people I lost along the way. Maybe a career as a tour guide was not the right choice.


I got my COVID test today, it says 50. What does that mean? Also, my IQ test came back positive.


My wife and I were out to dinner and the waitress started flirting with me. "She obviously has COVID," my wife said. "Why?" I asked. My wife replied with a sneer, "Because she has no taste."


Today was a terrible day. My ex got hit by a bus. And I lost my job as a bus driver!


I took my mother-in-law out yesterday morning. Being a sniper is awesome.


What do you call an orphan taking a selfie? A family photo.


I was shocked when I found out my toaster was not waterproof.


I have a fish that can breakdance! Only for 20 seconds though, and only once.


I broke up with my girlfriend so I stole her wheelchair and guess who came crawling back.


My mom died when we couldn't remember her blood type. As she died, she kept telling us to “be positive,” but it's hard without her.


Why are there only 363 days in an orphans calendar? They don’t have fathers or Mother’s Day.










Two blacks are walking down the street and see a sign that says turn white for $75.

Black1: "Do you think it will work?

Black2: "Only one way to find out."

Black1: "I only have $50."

Black2: "Well, I have $100, I'll go do it then give you my change."

Black1: "Let's do it then."

Black2 goes in and fifteen minutes later comes out white as a ghost, wearing a brand new suit and carrying briefcase.

Black1: "Holy shit, it actually worked! Let me get that $25."

Black2: "Fuck you, nigger. Get a job."


I asked my Welsh friend how many sexual partners he'd had. He started counting but he fell asleep.


Daily Mail online: "Masturbation may help prevent the common cold." Hope so, I've got no tissues left



A black guy in a library asked me where the coloured printer was.

I replied, "Mate, it's 2022, you can use any printer you want."


Turn a regular sofa into a sofa bed by simply forgetting your wife's birthday.




A priest has a heart attack, and is rushed to the hospital.

He wakes up as he's being rushed through the hospital on a gurney by two nurses.

"Am I in heaven?" asks the disoriented priest.

"No" says one of the nurses. "We're just taking a short cut through the children's ward."



I took my grandma to a fish spa center where the little fish eat your dead skin for only $45. It was way cheaper than having her buried in the cemetery.


A chubbier woman: Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? Mirror: “Kindly move aside. I can't see anything.”


I got a job as a librarian, but it only lasted half an hour. Turns out, books about women’s rights shouldn’t go in the Sci-Fi / Fantasy section.


My girlfriend wanted a marriage just like a fairy tale. Fair enough. I gave her a loaf of bread and left her in the forest.



Grandpa: you can’t have phones within 15 feet of the table. Me: and you aren’t allowed within 100 feet of the elementary school.


How many babies does it take to paint a wall? Depends on how hard you can throw.



Spotter: I wonder what was the last thing that went through his mind.

Sniper:Probably that bullet.






Knock Knock. Who’s there? 9/11, 9/11 who? You said you would never forget…


I called a suicide hotline in Iraq…They got excited and asked if I could drive a truck.


“Mom, the kids are laughing at me, they say my teeth are too long!” – “Oh shush, now you’ve scratched the whole floor again!”


I was hiking once with my girlfriend. Suddenly a huge brown bear was charging at us, really mad. We must have come close to her cubs. Luckily I had my 9mm pistol with me. One shot to my girlfriend's kneecap was all it took. I could walk away at a comfortable pace.



-Wow, honey, I never thought our son would go that far!

-Yeah, the catapult is really amazing. Go get our daughter!


My wife called today and said the dishwasher was leaking…I came home with tampons.


To teach kids about democracy, I let them vote on dinner. They picked pizza. Then I made tacos because they don’t live in a swing state.


Titanic: And I’m nominating all passengers for the Ice Bucket Challenge!”


A man went into a library and asked for a book on how to commit suicide. The librarian said:“F*ck off! You won’t bring it back.”


Say what you will about pedophiles. At least they drive slowly through school zones.


The banana say to the vibrator,"Why are you shaking? She's going to eat me!" .






There was once a missionary preaching in a small African tribe. The people there loved him, and every day more were converted.

But one day, a white baby was born to one of the women in the tribe. The chief immediately sent for the missionary and demanded to know why he had broken the commandments he had so lovingly taught to his people.

The missionary, having been a devout Christian his entire life, asked to see the child. Upon viewing the baby, it became clear that this baby was an albino.

The missionary attempted to explain this to the chief, saying:

“Chief, this child suffers from a condition of the skin which changed its color to white. As an example, look upon your flocks of sheep. All are white, except for one which is black.”

The chief cuts him off, saying:

“Ok, I won’t tell about the baby if you don’t tell about the sheep.”



At my lemonade stand, I used to give the first glass away free and charge five dollars for the second glass. The refill contained the antidote.


Sex at age 90 is like trying to shoot pool with a rope.



-What’s the difference between a baby and an onion?

-I cry peeling Onions!


Where did Lucy go after the bombing?



After death, what is the only organ in the body which remains warm? My penis.


A black man was shot 15 times. Police said it was the worst case of suicide they have ever seen.


What is the difference between Jesus and a painting of Jesus? It only takes one nail to hang the painting.


What do you call a deaf gynecologist?

A lip reader.


Someone asked the other day how you spell “scrotum”, I replied ” you should have asked me last night as it was on the tip of my tongue”


If someone burns to death, do they get a discount at the crematorium?


My grandfather says I am too reliant on technology. I called him a hypocrite and unplugged his life support.


My boss farted in front of a Jewish client, "A little gas never killed anybody."


What do you call a White girl that can run faster than her brothers? The redneck spinster.


I got a new definition for many White guys seated on a bench, NBA.
