




01 Adjunct Assoc. Prof. Ping WANG

王士平 客座副教授




王士平 客座副教授

Dr. Patrick P. Wang has a bachelor degree in civil engineering and earned his doctoral degree in engineering mechanics from the University of Alabama in U.S.A. He has devoted to vocational education as an associate professor for more than twenty five years in a technological university in Taiwan,China. He also served in various academic leadership roles as department head, director of general education and director of library in his university. His research interests focus on computer aided instruction, engineering and technology education, and building information modeling application.


02 Adjunct Prof. Lynne Ling- Ling TSAI

蔡玲玲 客座教授




蔡玲玲 客座教授

Dr. Ling-ling is a professor from Taiwan, China. She has conducted more than 20 government teaching or research projects. She has rich experiences in teaching English as a second languages, especially in phonetics, language and culture, sociolinguistics, language acquisition, and discourse analysis.

Prof. Tsai received her MA degree in University of Central Missouri, USA and her PhD degree in Kaohsiung Normal University. Since she owns a teaching certificate issued by Missouri State, she once serves as a bilingual teacher in Huston, Texas. Her research focuses on linguistics and interdisciplinary teaching approach including curation and guide for sightseeing, exhibition and shopping. The research team she leads is affirmed by her university and Ministry of Education. Her doctoral students are attracted by her instruction and her positive attitude inspires all the colleagues and the students.



03 Adjunct Assoc. Prof. Iris Yi-Shin LIOU

刘怡昕 客座副教授



刘怡昕 客座副教授

Dr. Iris Yi-shin Liou has served as an Associate Professor in Taiwan for decades. She has rich experiences in teaching English to speakers of other languages, especially in the realm of academic English reading and writing.

Dr. Liou received her MA degree in English and American literature in Essex university, UK; received her Doctoral degree in the Faculty of Art and Education, Deakin University, Australia. She has wide research interests, ranging from classical literature, teachers’ professional identity, to current educational issues. As she has also served as the director of research and development office in a tertiary institute in Taiwan for years, the impacts of declining birth rate on education and its consequences in Taiwan have drawn her recent attention, especially on its influences to the faculty members of colleges and universities.


04Adjunct Assit. Prof. Yi-Chun LIN

林溰君 客座助理教授



林溰君 客座助理教授

Professor Yi-Chun Lin, who earned binary Phd degree from Sun Yat-sen University Administration and Chengchi University Accounting. Professor Lin's academic interests is major in management accounting, performance evaluation and human resources accounting, and AI technology applied in business.

Also, Professor has business extensive practice experience in purchasing & combination, liated company, and international & multinationals finance practice.


05 Adjunct Prof. TSAI, Tsung-Te

蔡宗德 客座教授




蔡宗德 客座教授

Tsung-Te Tsai completed his Ph.D. in 1998 at the University of Maryland USA and is a professor of the Graduate Institute of Ethnomusicology and deans of the Sound and Image Arts College and the Academic Affair Office, Tainan University of the Arts, Taiwan. In 2017, Dr. Tsai was titled Kangjeng Aria Projonagoro by the Surakarta Palace because of his contribution to Indonesian cultural studies and now a membership of Executive Board (2021-2023) of the Study Group of Performing Arts of Southeast Asia, the International Council for Traditional Music, UNESCO.

Main research fields: Southeast Asian traditional music culture, overseas Chinese music research, Chinese minority music research, Central Asia and West Asia music research, Fujian and Taiwan opera music

蔡宗德硕士与博士均毕业于美国马里兰大学民族音乐学院。因长期从事印尼爪哇音乐文化研究,对印尼文化发展有所贡献,2017年4月荣获印尼梭罗宫廷颁赠亲王(Kangjeng Aria Projonagoro)爵位。目前担任国际传统音乐学会东南亚表演艺术研究小组执行委员。




