drizzle 下小雨,毛毛雨
拓展:sprinkle 毛毛雨(气象术语 ),这个单词表示“撒”的意思,也常被用来形容毛毛雨;
scattered rain 零星小雨
We have to cancel the track and field contest because of the scattered rain.因为零星的降雨所以我们必须取消田径赛。
downpour / rain buckets倾盆大雨
We got caught in a torrential downpour.我们赶上了倾盆大雨。
a heavy rain 雨很大
Here was a heavy rain this morning.今天早上下了一场大雨。
rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨
It rained cats and dogs last night.
artificial rainfall 人工降雨
小雨(light rain):1d(或24h)降雨量小于10mm者。中雨(moderate rain):1d(或24h)降雨量10~25mm者。 大雨(heavy rain):1d(或24h)降雨量25~50mm者。 暴雨(torrential rain):1d(或24h)降雨量50~100mm者。 大暴雨(downpour):1d(或24h)降雨量100~200mm者。 特大暴雨(heavy downpour):1d(或24h)降雨量在200mm以上者。
It looks like it’s going to rain.看起来要下雨了。
It look like it’s going to rain this afternoon.今天下午看起来要下雨了。
Take your umbrella with you.
It’s raining cats and dogs out there so I am soaked.雨下得很大,我被淋成了落汤鸡。
Tomorrow will be cloudy with outbreaks of rain and drizzle.明天多云,有阵雨和零星小雨。
After a light spring rain, leaves began to sprout from tress.下了一场小小的春雨后,树木开始长出新芽。
Heavy rain has caused flooding in many areas大雨已经造成许多地区的洪灾。
Don't hang out! It's raining cats and dogs outside!别出去浪了,外边下大雨呢!
It's pouring! 瓢泼大雨,倾盆大雨
They got caught in pouring rain that night.他们那天晚上被倾盆大雨困住了。