不知道大家有没有喜欢开别人玩笑的朋友,如果被机智的你发现漏洞,那你可以毫不犹豫地用"The joke is on you!"怼回去哦,我们来看几个例句:
- "Daisy laughed at my 'terrible' dress sense until she found out I was wearing a designer dress – I guess the joke's on her now!" - “Daisy嘲笑我裙子的品味很糟糕,直到她发现那是设计师设计的 - 我看她玩笑开到自己头上啦。”
- "Ha, you thought I'd never beat your time for completing the marathon. But I have, so the joke's on you!" - “哈,你曾经认为我永远都破不了你的马拉松记录,但是现在我超过你了,这下你傻眼了吧!”
- "I know you were trying to be funny by saying I'd never pass my exam. But now you're the only one who hasn't, so the joke's on you, I'm afraid!" - “我知道你曾经嘲笑我永远通过不了考试,但是这次你是唯一挂科的,恐怕玩笑开到自己头上了吧!”
"The joke is on you!"这句话的意思是"The person who has tried to make you look silly has ended up looking silly themselves",当别人试图嘲笑你结果自己看起来很傻就可以用这句话怼回去啦。玩笑有风险,开口需谨慎哦!