area /ˈeriə/

1) n. 面积,地区,地域,领域,范围

2)Although large in area,the flat did not have many rooms.(这套公寓虽然面积很大,但并没有太多的房间)

3)A pestilence was raging in this area.(鼠疫正在这一地区流行)

4)we checked the area with meters.(我们查看了附近几米的范围)

5)extent n.范围,程度(we were amazed at the extent of his knowledge.我们对他的知识之渊博感到很惊奇)

6)bounds n.范围界限 (knowledge knows not bounds.知识是没有穷尽的)

7)breadth n.广度,范围(we need to develop the breadth of our knoeledge,我们需要拓展知识范围)

8)zone n.地区,地带(most of China is in the temperate zone.中国大部分地区处于温带)

9)belt n. 区域,地带(The shelter belt breaks the force of the wind. 防护林带能减弱风力。)

10)district n. 地区,行政区(Do you know the postal code of this district? 你知道这个地区的邮政编码吗?)


argue /ˈɑːɡjuː/

1)v. 争论;争吵;争辩;论证;说理;证明;表明

2)Don't argue with me.(别和我争辩。)

3)Lakoff and Johnson ( 1980) put forward the cognitive approach to the study of metaphor in their book Metaphors We Live By and they argue that metaphor can constitute basic schemas by which people conceptualize their experience and the external world.(在《我们赖以生存的隐喻》一书中,Lakoff和Johnson(1980)提出了隐喻研究的认知法。他们表明,隐喻能构成人们感知经验和外部世界的基本图示。)

4)And these grey locks, the pursuivants of death, Argue the end of Edmund Mortimer.(而这些灰白的头发,对死亡的追逐,证明了尘世时光的尽头。)

5)argue with someone 与某人争吵(或争辩、讨论)

6)argue a case 讨论案例

7) argue about/over something 就某事讨论

8)argue against/for something 反对/支持某事

9)opponents/supporters argue 反对者/支持者认为

10)debate v. 辩论,讨论(I debated the plan with Mr. Green. 我与格林先生就该项计划展开辩论)

11)dispute v. [正式]争辩,争执

arguement /ˈɑːɡjumənt/

1)n. 争论;争吵;争辩;辩论;论据;理由;论点

2)This suggestion will certainly lead to an argument.(这个建议必将引起一场争论。)

3)persuasive argument 有说服力的论据

4)support an argument 支持论点

5) without argument 毫无异议地


arise /əˈraɪz/

1)v. 发生;产生;出现;(由…)引起;(因…)产生;发展

2)With the development of the society and economy, there arise a lot of new things.(随着社会和经济的发展,出现了很多新东西。)

3)The international commercial disputes arise from the commercial activities of the equal bodies in different countries and regions.( 国际商事争议产生于不同国家和地区的平等主体的商事交往中)

4)arise from/out of 由…产生

5)appear v. 出现,亮相

6)emerge v. 出现,显露

7)loom v. 隐约出现

8)show v. 显现,显出


arithmetic /əˈrɪθmətɪk/

1)n. 算法;算术;算术运算;四则运算

2)Computer our input, memory control, arithmetic, and logic and output.(计算我们的输入,内存控制,算法,逻辑和输出。)

3)A processor consists of at least an instruction control unit and an arithmetic and logic unit.(处理器至少包含有一个指令控制器和一个算术与逻辑运算器。)
