

(Via 网络)




马克龙开始在全球推广法语 (Via The Guardian)

The French president, Emmanuel Macron, is to spend hundreds of millions of euros boosting the French language worldwide, in a push to overtake English in Africa, increase the use of French online and teach French to more European officials to loosen the grip of the English language on Brussels.法国总统马克龙打算花费数亿欧元,在全球推广法语,推动法语在非洲取代英语,增加法语在网上的使用,教会更多欧盟官员说法语,而不只是英语。

▲Macron launches drive to boost French language around world (via The Guardian)


(Via Ludovic Marin/Pool/EPA)

而根据BBC最新的报道,来自法语国家组织(International Organisation of La Francophonie)的数据显示,当今全世界说法语的人口大多生活在非洲大陆,而非法国。而且,法语在非洲国家正逐渐强势。

There are 300 million French speakers worldwide today, up almost 10% since 2014, and a recent survey showed that 44% of them live in sub-Saharan Africa.当今全世界说法语的人口大约有3亿,比2014年增加了10%。最近一项调查显示,他们中的44%是居住在撒哈拉以南的非洲地区。By 2050, a full 85% of French speakers could live on the continent, according to an estimate by an organisation that monitors statistics on who speaks the language.有法语语言检测机构预测,到2050年,85%说法语的人口会居住在非洲大陆。

▲Why the future of French is African (via BBC)


(Via AFP)




Teachers and linguists say this phenomenon is driven by the high birth rate in French-speaking African countries, and to some degree by new language learners in English- and Portuguese-speaking nations.教师和语言学家说,这种现象是由于说法语的非洲国家的高出生率所导致的。而说英语和葡萄牙语的非洲国家的人学习外语时也会选择法语。"The practice of French is increasing on the African continent. It's a reality driven by demographics, and in West Africa, by countries surrounded by French-speaking neighbours who want to learn the language," said Céline Desbos, the director of French courses at the Institut Français cultural centre in Dakar.“在非洲大陆上,法语的使用在增加。这是由人口的增长驱动的。而在被法语国家包围的西非国家,人们也会想要学习法语,”达喀尔法国文化中心的法语课程总监Céline Desbos说道。But French is adapting to the reality of being a second or third language for most of its speakers in Africa, boosting its role as a lingua franca rather than a native language for most.但法语正在适应新的现实,大部分非洲国家人口将法语作为他们第二或第三语言,提升法语作为通用语的角色,而非大多数人的母语。

▲Why the future of French is African (via BBC)


(via AFP)


The movement away from scholarly French to a more free-flowing mixture is a phenomenon that has long occurred in Middle Eastern countries such as Lebanon, where Arabic, English and French can often be heard in the same sentence.这种从学术性法语演化到更为自由流动的混合语言的现象,很早就在中东国家出现了。例如在黎巴嫩,阿拉伯语、英语、法语经常会同时出现在一句话中。The movement in Africa is towards a blend of French-language phrases that are unheard of in France, and the rise of words drawn from local languages.发生在非洲的语言演化,融合了在法国闻所未闻的法语短语,以及从当地语言中汲取的新兴的单词。In the Democratic Republic of Congo, for example, a "deuxième bureau" (second office) refers to a mistress rather than an additional place of work, and if one were to "manger quelqu'un" they would not be eating them, but simply beating them in a competition.例如,在刚果民主共和国,一个“deuxième bureau”(第二办公室)指的是情妇,而不是额外的工作场所。而一个人“manger quelqu'un”,不是吃某人,而是指在比赛中击败他们。

▲Why the future of French is African (via BBC)


但法语国家组织的项目专家Francine Quéméner指出:在这些非洲国家,法语不会等到法兰西学术院颁布法令才发生演变。



(Via AFP)

A typical adolescent conversation might begin with the greeting "wesh?" (what's up?), before expressing approval for something with "je kiffe", from "kif", an Arabic word linked to enjoyment and cannabis.典型的青少年之间的谈话,可能以一个问候“wesh?”(怎么了?)开头。 表达赞同则是以“je kiffe”开头,这个词来自“kif”,是一个阿拉伯语词汇,与享受和大麻有关。Other words go back much further, such as "bled", an Algerian word for village or hometown, which was adopted in colonial times by French soldiers.其他词汇追本溯源起来就更久远了比如“bled”,是一个阿尔及利亚词汇,表示乡村或家乡,在殖民时期就被法国士兵采用了。Beyond the new vocabulary created in the French language, the uptake of Arabic, English and Mandarin is increasing in Francophone Africa, aimed at maximising study and job opportunities abroad. French is thriving, but on a continent of polyglots.除了用法语创造新词汇,非洲法语国家对阿拉伯语,英语和普通话的吸收正在增加,目的是最大化在国外学习和就业的机会。法语在非洲——这个多语种的大陆——蓬勃发展。

▲Why the future of French is African (via BBC)


"People think of French as just the language of France, and that's no longer true. We have to change that image," said Ms Desbos.“人们以为法语只是法国的语言,那不再是事实了。我们不得不改变这种印象,”达喀尔法国文化中心的法语课程总监Céline Desbos说。

▲Why the future of French is African (via BBC)


整合:Du Qiongfang

来源:The Guardian, BBC

图/题图:AFP, 网络
