


A herd of wild Asian elephants that has wandered Southwest China's Yunnan province for more than 17 months appears to be heading home to its traditional habitat in Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve.在云南游荡了17个多月以后,亚洲象群正在回归原栖息地——西双版纳国家自然保护区的路上。


亚洲象(Asian elephants)为我国一级重点保护野生动物(wild animals under first-class national protection),在世界自然保护联盟濒危物种红色名录( the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species)中被列为“濒危物种”(endangered species),主要分布在云南普洱、西双版纳、临沧3个州市,是亚洲现存最大和最具代表性的陆生脊椎动物(terrestrial vertebrate),也是维持森林生态系统的“工程师”。


The elephants were on Monday approximately 26 kilometers from Mojiang county, Pu'er city, one of their major habitats in Yunnan along with Xishuangbanna Dai autonomous prefecture.




The herd of 14 elephants, ranging in age and size, has traveled more than 500 km.这14头亚洲象,年龄、体型各异,已经迁移了500多公里。

Sixteen elephants departed Xishuangbanna, but three of them dropped out of the trek and two calves were born en route. In July, a bull elephant that had broken away from the herd was sedated and returned to the nature reserve.


Heading north, the herd passed through Pu'er, Honghe and Yuxi. In June, they reached the outskirts of Kunming, the provincial capital.


Local authorities deployed trucks, workers and drones to monitor the elephants 24 hours a day, evacuated roads for them to pass safely and lured them away from populated areas with food.


Nearly 180 metric tons of food, including pineapples and corn, has been fed to the herd, Wan said. Even as they encroached on communities, none of the elephants or people were injured.



这里的encroach指“gradual or stealthy entrance upon another's territory”(慢慢地或偷偷地进入他人的领地),常用的搭配encroach on/upon something则表示“一步步占用,占据(时间、权利、土地等)”,比如:I resent it that my job is starting to encroach on my family life(我憎恶的是,我的工作开始越来越多地占用了我的家庭生活时间),They have promised that the development will not encroach on public land(他们承诺这个开发项目不会占用公共用地)。




They can identify the direction of food and water resources very precisely. And they also showed great performances in solidarity and group decision-making. Their division of work is impressive, too.它们能精确识别食物和水源的方向,表现出了强大的团结和团队决策能力。象群内的分工也很明确。



It's likely that the elephants will head north again.象群可能会再度北移。

Historically, Asian elephants used to live in many parts of the country. Migration is in their nature. It helps the species expand its territory and have more chances to improve their gene pool by mating with different groups.



The forestry department and the provincial government plan to develop a national park, which aims to provide habitat protection for the elephants and a balanced relationship with residents.国家林草局和云南省政府计划开发一处国家公园,为亚洲象群提供栖息地保护,同时促进人象和谐共存。


濒危物种 endangered species

极危物种 critically endangered species

易危物种 vulnerable species

陆生野生动物 wild terrestrial animals

水生动物 aquatic animals

家畜家禽 poultry and livestock

伴侣动物 companion animal

野生动物保护 wild animal protection


(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)

