21. tolerate v. 容忍, 宽容; 经受, 忍受

Those who know how to tolerate others can naturally lead a happy life.


22. the day after tomorrow 后天

23. tongue n. 舌头,语言

mother tongue=native language 母语

24. typical a. 典型的,有代表性的

be typical of 是......的特点

It is typical of you to be so gentle.


25. top n. 顶部,顶端;上部;首席;陀螺 adj. 最高的,顶上的;头等的

at the top of sth 在......的

26. total n. 合计,总计;v. 合计是 adj. 总的,完全的

He is totally blind.

A total of 400, 00 people were killed in the earthquake.

There are 50,000 students in our school in total. (=altogether=in all总共)

27. touch v. 触动,打动,触摸,接触;n. 接触,联系

touching adj. 打动人的

touched adj. 受到触动的

stay in touch with sb=keep in touch with sb 与某人保持联系

lose touch with sb 和某人失去联系

28. tough n. 恶棍 adj.坚韧的;健壮的;能吃苦耐劳的;坚强的顽固的;冷酷的;现实的;严厉的

I know how easy it is to begin smoking and how tough it is to stop.


Don’t be too tough on/with him---he was only a child.


29. tour n./v. 观光,旅行

30. town n.城镇,市镇;市内商业区

live in town

live in the countryside

go to town 去城里

go out of town 出城

31. track n. 轨道,田径,踪迹,跑道

keep track of 跟踪/跟踪了解

lose track of 失去联系

As to dealing with such problems, you are on the right track.



32. trade n. 贸易;v. 交换

international trade国际贸易

trade A for B 用A换B

33. tradition n.惯例,传统

by tradition 按照惯例

religious/ cultural traditions 宗教/文化传统

traditional adj. 传统的

traditionally adv. 传统地

34. traffic n. 交通;运输;[通信] 通信量 vt. 用…作交换;在…通行

at the traffic lights在交通灯那里

There are traffic jams at the corner every day.



35. train n.火车;v.培训,训练



train sb for sth 为…...对某人进行培训

train sb as a fireman 把某人训练成消防队员。

36. translate v. 翻译,转换成另一形式

translation n. 翻译, 译文

Translate the sentence from Chinese into English.

37. transportation n. 运输;运输系统;运输工具;流放

The bike is a useful means of transportation.


38.trap n. 陷阱 vt. 使陷入困境

set/lay/place a trap for mice 给老鼠设置陷阱

fall into/get out of a trap 陷入/脱离陷阱

Having been trapped in traffic, he was late for work.


39. travel n. 旅行,传播(光、声、病)v.旅行,出行,传播

traveller/traveler 旅行者

Light travels faster than sound.


40. treasure n. 金银财宝,财富,珍爱的东西;v. 珍爱,珍惜

treasure our friendship

41. treat n. 款待;v. 对待,处理,治疗

treatment n. 治疗,处理

under treatment 在治疗中

It’s my treat. 我请客

treat sb to sth 用某物款待某人

treat sb as/ like… 对待某人像......

42. trick n. 诡计,把戏,花招,计谋;v. 欺骗

play a trick on sb 捉弄/欺骗某人

43. trip n./v. 旅行,旅程

go on a trip to a place 去某地旅行


44. trouble n. 问题,烦恼,麻烦;v. 使苦恼,使麻烦

I am sorry to trouble you, but can you tell me his address?

trouble sb to do 麻烦某人做某事

have trouble with sth./ have trouble (in) doing 干某事有困难

get into/out of trouble 陷入困境 /摆脱困境

take trouble to do sth. 尽力做某事

45. true a. 真的,忠诚的

truly adv.

My dream came true.= I realized my dream.

46.truth n. 真理,真相,事实

tell the truth 说实话

47. try n. 尝试 v. 审理,努力,尝试

try on 试穿

try out试用

have a try 试一下

try the case审理案件

try to do 努力

try doing试着干

try one’s best to do =do one’s best to do 尽力做某事

48. turn n. 轮流,顺序 v. 转变,旋转,变成

in turn=by turns 轮流(作状语)

take turns to do=take turns at doing(作谓语)

It is my turn. 该我了。

turn against sb/sth 背叛

turn back 返回

turn down调低,拒绝

turn up 开大,上涨,到来,露面

turn in 上交(=hand in)

turn to 转向,变成,求助于

turn off 关掉

turn on 打开

turn over 翻过来

turn A into/to B 把A变成B

turn out (to be) n/adj/ adv 结果是,证明是(强调与预料的相反)



