





据美国《华盛顿邮报》网站当地时间14日报道,曾获奧斯卡奖的纪录片导演亚历克斯·吉布尼与另外两名导演共同执导的纪录片《完全可控(Totally Under Control)》(暂译)近日上映。


"Totally Under Control" is a new documentary codirected by Academy Award winner Alex Gibney that takes an in-depth look at the U.S. government’s early response to the coronavirus. The film bills itself as "the definitive account of the Trump administration's incompetence, corruption and denial in the face of this global pandemic."

The documentary, made under a cloak of secrecy over the last five months, includes interviews with scientists, medical professionals, government officials and others insiders.

Netizens were quick to respond both in China and abroad after the first trailer spread on social media platforms, not long after Trump announced that he and First Lady Melania Trump tested positive for COVID-19.


Gibney's work often features wrongdoing, and in an interview with Mashable he said of the new documentary, "To me, this is a crime story." He added that "to be able to investigate and explore this story together was hugely energizing," as people initially felt so helpless in the middle of the pandemic lockdown.




The Truth Will Make You Sick














The latest on the U.S. coronavirus


A charter company staffer who flew on Joe Biden's campaign plane has tested positive for COVID-19, the Biden campaign announced on Thursday. The staffer flew with the Democratic candidate to the Midwestern state of Ohio on Monday and southeastern state of Florida on Tuesday, but they were always over 50 feet away from each other and wore masks, Biden's campaign said in a statement.


U.S. First Lady Melania Trump on Wednesday confirmed that her son Barron contracted COVID-19 at the same time both of his parents were ill. He had no symptoms and has since tested negative.


"I wish I had done things differently on the entire situation," New York Governor Andrew Cuomo confessed during an interview with CNN on October 14. "I wish that we knew that it actually was not a China virus. It was a European virus," he said. He made the remarks when asked about the resurgence of COVID-19 cases in New York and across the United States, as well as lessons learned from the pandemic.
