
1. The US-China relationship as"the single most essential part"of improving U. S. relations with emerging powers.


2.China has the foresight to persevere through the ups and downs in US-China relations over the past three decades. Even as we acknowledge that we will often be in competition, we seek deeper cooperation with China, not conflict.


3. This is an example of what we do together and how the United States and China are cooperating and working together in ways that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago.


4. We now have extensive bilateral links in every major field.


5. China's global policies, whether on counter proliferation, peacekeeping, Africa, energy or climate change, also impact directly and significantly on our own interests.


6.China,'s overall strategy toward the outside world starts with its desire to produce sustained economic growth and to maintain

social and political stability at home.




译文:To achieve modernization,it is important to complete industrialization and urbanization. This is exactly what the Chinese people are working for at present and for some time to come.


译文:Put into practice the scientific thinking on development, pursue an innovation-based model of development, and be committed toa comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable path of development that puts people's interests first.


译文:The nine-year compulsory education has basically become universal and the illiteracy among the young and middle-aged has been basically eliminated.


译文:We have embarked on a correct path of development that is suited to China's particular conditions and is in keeping with the trend of the times.

