⊙"she's apples"指她是苹果吗⊙

“she's apples"在澳洲口语中的意思是一切都好,不必担心。apple还有一些常见的表达,一起来看看吧!

1.the apple of one's eye

a person of whom one is extremely fond and proud 掌上明珠;挚爱之人

▷You are that cherry on top, the apple of my eye.



the cherry on the cake 指的锦上添花之物

a desirable feature perceived as the finishing touch to something that is already inviting or worth having

▷The father of this girl might say, "My daughter would never do such things! She is the apple of my eye."


2. The apple never falls far from the tree. 有其父/母,必有其子

(proverb)salient family characteristics are usually inherited

类似表达:Like father, like son.

▷Did you hear that Dr.Klein's daughter Molly is majoring in biology? I guessthe apple never falls far from the tree.


3.upset the apple cart 打乱计划

spoil a plan or disturb the status quo

▷We had planned to hold a get-together in the evening, but bad weatherupset the apple cart.



4. a rotten apple (非正式)害群之马

(informal) a bad or corrupt person in a group, especially one whose behaviour is likely to have a detrimental influence on their associates

同义词:a black sheep

▷Before you accuse the entire department of wrongdoing, you should try to find the rotten apple that initially caused the problem.


a rotten apple spoils the barrel 一颗老鼠屎,坏了一锅粥

5. apples and oranges (北美)人、物截然不同

(of two people or things) irreconcilably or fundamentally different

▷You can't compare those two companies, they are apples and oranges.


6.apples and pears (英,谐俚)楼梯


▷He hasn't made it up those apples and pears in ten years.


Big Apple 是纽约市的别称

Adam's Apple 男士的喉结
