炒股 speculate in the stock market

比特币 Bitcoin

保险箱服务 safe deposit box service

比较优势 comparative advantage

补偿贸易 compensation trade

长期低息贷款 long-term,low-interest loan

承销商 underwriter

惩罚性关税 punitive tariffs

出口贸易 export trade

出口信货 export credit

出口总值 total export value

初级产品生产国 primary producing country

储蓄实名制 real name savings deposit system

窗口指导 window guidance

从事贸易 engage in trade

存款准备金率 deposit-reserve ratio

贷款额度 lending quota

抵押贷款证券化 securitization of mortgage loans

地方债 local government debts

地下钱庄 underground bank

电商平台 e-commerce platforms

电子国债 electronic savings bonds

电子货币 cyber cash

定期存款 time deposit

短期资金流动压力 short-term liquidity pressures

对销贸易 counter trade

多边贸易 multilateral trade

多层次信贷市场 multi-level credit market

恶性通货膨胀 galloping inflation

二维码支付 QR code payments

发行人 issuer

反洗钱制度 anti-money laundering system

防范金融风险 guard against financial risks

房产税 housing property tax

房地产信贷政策 housing credit policy

房地产信托资金 real estate trust funds

非法集资 illegal fund-raising

分税制 revenue-sharing system

付款条件 payment terms

个人债主 individual creditor

股东持股比例 equity of stock holdings

股市投资 stock market investment

固定利率贷款 fixed rate loan

挂牌汇率 nominal rate

广义货币供应量 broad measure of money supply

国际金融危机 the world financial crisis

国际汽车展览会 international automotive exhibition

国库券还本付息 amortize state treasury bond

国债 treasury bonds

海关申报 customs declaration

海外房地产投资 offshore real estate investment

活期存款 demand deposit

积极的财政政策 proactive fiscal policy

基准价 central parity rate

加快金融改革 speed up the financial reform

建立正常贸易关系 establish normal trade relations

借贷资本 loan capital

金融创新 financial innovation

金融寡头 financial magnates

金融机构 financial institutions

金融监管 financial oversight and management

金融债券 financial bonds

紧缩信贷 tighter credit

紧缩银根 tight money supply

经济互补性 economic complementarity

经济全球化 economic globalization

经济腾飞 economic takeoff

经济总量 economic aggregate

理财产品 wealth management products

贸易报复措施 trade retaliation measures

贸易壁垒 trade barrier

贸易互惠 reciprocity in trade

贸易摩擦 trade friction

贸易融资机制 trade financing mechanism

贸易条件 terms of trade

贸易制裁 trade sanction

民间借贷 private lending

民间融资 non-governmental financing

牛市 bull market

汽车购置税 automobile acquisition tax

人民币汇率形成机制 the mechanism for setting the RMB exchange rate

商务部 Ministry of Commerce

涉外经济 foreign-related business

生产价格指数 production price index(PPI)

实名注册 real-name registration

市场多元化战略 the strategy of market diversification

市场活力 market vitality

适度宽松的货币政策 relatively loose monetary policy

手续费 commission fees

信贷紧缩 credit squeeze

信用评级 credit rating

熊市 bear market

养老保险 pension insurance

以质取胜 ensure good quality

债券市场 bond market

债券收益 bond yield

注册资金 registered capital

资本外逃 flight of capital

资产保值增值 maintain and increase the value of assets

资产重组 assets reorganization

资金短缺 cash shortage

自动提款机 automated teller machine(ATM)

自由贸易区 free trade zone

租赁贸易 leasing trade

最大债权国 biggest creditor

