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假定你是学生会主席李华。学校将举办一次以“校园生活·创意无限”(Innovations on Campus) 为主题的创意作品展评活动。请你根据以下图示,以短文形式用英语写一份书面通知。


注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当发挥,以使行文连贯;3. 开头及结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。

参考词汇:校园 campus 创意作品 innovation 颁奖 prize-giving


An exciting event "Innovations on Campus" is around the corner.



Come on, everybody! It's your show time.

Student Union







1. 在第一行的中间位置写Notice或NOTICE;

2. 正文要交待清楚通知的对象、活动的内容、时间和地点;

3. 发出通知的人的姓名或单位的名称一般写在正文右下角;

4. 发出通知的日期可写在正文的左上方或右上方,也可省略。




An exciting event "Innovations on Campus" is around the corner. Every one of you is expected to be part of the event which encourages creative minds and gives full play to your DIY skills.

Note that your innovations must be school things. Along with your wonderful innovation, you need to hand in a report, explaining how the idea occurs to you and what materials you use.

All the collections will be on show from June 16 to 18 in the gym. Looking forward to the prize-giving ceremony? Sure! It'll be held from 15:00 to 17:00 on June 18. So don't miss the chance of being the winner. Your contribution will certainly make the event a huge success. For any questions, call Li Hua at 44876655.

Come on, everybody! It's your show time.

Student Union

【范文点评】本文覆盖了所有内容要点,且文章富有感召力。作者应用的较为复杂的语法结构有定语从句、祈使句、非谓语动词、how / what引导的宾语从句、省略(Looking forward前省略了Are you)以及“make 宾语 宾补”(make the event a huge success)等;应用的高级词汇有be expected to, give full play to (让……充分发挥), along with, hand in, occur to, contribution等。





An exciting event "Innovations on Campus" is around the corner. Chances will be offered to every student who wants to attend. But your innovations must be related to campus, such as your school life and your relationships with classmates. What's more, it's really necessary to share your ideas with us, particularly how you came up with it and why you designed it, which will help others make better sense of your work.

The event will be held in the gym from June 16th to 18th. And the prize-giving ceremony is from 3 pm to 5 pm on June 18th. If you want to get more information about it, please call Li Hua. My number is 44876655.

Come on, everybody! It's your show time.

Student Union

【点评】该习作完成了试题规定的任务,覆盖了所有内容要点,应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,有效地使用了语句间的连接成分。可以提高的地方有:①第三句中的your innovations与下句came up with it中的it存在指代不一致的情况;②how you came up with it和why you designed it表意有重复之处;③My number is 44876655中的My指代错误。




An exciting event "Innovations on Campus" is around the corner. Chances will be offered to every student who wants to attend. But your innovation must be related to campus, such as your school life and your relationships with classmates. What's more, it's really necessary to share your ideas with us, particularly about why you came up with it and how you designed it, which will help others make better sense of your work.

The event will be held in the gym from June 16th to 18th. And the prize-giving ceremony is from 3 pm to 5 pm on June 18th. If you want to get more information about it, please call Li Hua at 44876655.

Come on, everybody! It's your show time.

Student Union








