“虚张声势”怎么说?bluff英 [blʌf] 美 [blʌf] ,我来为大家讲解一下关于用英语怎么说地道又传神?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!




bluff英 [blʌf] 美 [blʌf]

v. 虚张声势,唬人;假装做

n. 虚张声势的举动,唬人;峭壁,悬崖;树丛,灌木丛

adj. 直率豪爽的;(悬崖)垂直的,(船头)宽而垂直的

[ 复数 bluffs 第三人称单数 bluffs 现在分词 bluffing 过去式 bluffed 过去分词 bluffed 比较级 more bluff 最高级 most bluff ]

semi-bluff 半偷鸡 ; 准诈唬 ; 半诈唬 ; 关于半偷机

Bluff Island 沙塘口山

bluff body [流] 钝头体 ; 阻流体 ; 非流线型阻流体

Thunder Bluff 雷霆崖 ; 地区雷霆崖 ; 地域雷霆崖 ; 天雷崖

Brown Bluff 布朗断崖 ; 朗断崖

Dragon's Bluff 龙之欺骗

to bluff 虚张声势 ; 虚张阵容 ; 装腔作势 ; 讹诈

Pine Bluff 派恩布拉夫 ; 派恩布拉夫分校 ; 街道地址 ; 城市

bluff /blʌf/ CET6 TEM4 ( bluffing, bluffed, bluffs )

1. N-VAR A bluff is an attempt to make someone believe that you will do something when you do not really intend to do it. 虚张声势

例:The letter was a bluff.


例:It is essential to build up the military option and show that this is not a bluff.


2. PHRASE If you call someone's bluff, you tell them to do what they have been threatening to do, because you are sure that they will not really do it. 要某人摊牌

例:The socialists have decided to call the opposition's bluff.


3. V-T/V-I If you bluff, you make someone believe that you will do something when you do not really intend to do it, or that you know something when you do not really know it. 用…虚张声势; 招摇撞骗

例:Either side, or both, could be bluffing.


例:In each case the hijackers bluffed the crew using fake grenades.


4. N a steep promontory, bank, or cliff, esp one formed by river erosion on the outside bend of a meander 峭壁; 陡岸

5. ADJ good-naturedly frank and hearty 直率的


bluff body 钝头体;阻流体

bluff it out 伪装而得以幸免;蒙混过关


The letter was a bluff.



There is no greater thrill than to bluff a man, trap him, and outfox him.



He said he would resign if he didn't get more money, but it was only a bluff.


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