1. Warm-up--- Tongue Twister 绕口令热身

I like to ride my light white bike,and fly a white light kite with my wife.

  1. Key phrases 重要表达

2.1 Thanks & Apologies

Thank you for your help.

Thank you for your hospitality.

Thank you for walking me home.

职场英语100个常用语 每日英语干货之Job(1)

Conversation Practice 对话练习

A: Excuse me. Could you do me a favor?

B: Yes?

A: Could you pass me the notebook please?

B: Of course. Here you are.

A: Thank you very much.

B: You are welcome.

Conversation Practice 对话练习

A: Sorry, Amy.

I do apologize for the inconvenience I brought to you yesterday.

Please forgive me for my mistake.

B: That’s OK. It doesn’t matter.

职场英语100个常用语 每日英语干货之Job(2)

2.2 Job Description 工作介绍

Brainstorming 头脑风暴---Try to write down jobs you know as many as possible

E.g. accountant 会计 architect 建筑师 cashier 出纳员

electrician 电工 guard 警卫 journalist 记者

Example Sentences 例句

a lot of meetings./occasional journeys/plenty of co-ordinations.

Describe your job and your partner’s job

John:So What do you do, Jasmine?

Jasmine: Oh, I'm Diane's personal assistant so I answer the phone and manage her schedule.

Paul: Is she very busy then?

Jasmine: Yes! She travels a lot. I book all her plane tickets and hotels.

John: I see. And do you travel with her sometimes?

Jasmine:No, not usually. I stay here and then I'm responsible for the office and deal with any problems.

Paul: You have a lot to do!

Jasmine:Yes. And in meetings, of course, I take the minutes.

Paul: ... and you look after visitors to the company.

Jasmine: Yes, that's right!

职场英语100个常用语 每日英语干货之Job(3)


1.What's your working day like? 你一天的工作是怎样的?

2.I have a typical 9 to 5 job. 通常我上午9点上班,下午5点下班。

3.Do you get paid extra for working overtime? 你加班有加班工资吗?

4.We do expect you to do a little overtime if there’s something important to do.


5.Do you have any breaks? 中间有休息时间吗?

6.The lunch break is flexible. 午间休息时间很灵活。

7.We have an hour-long lunch break from 12 to 1.


8. Sorry, I'm busy at the moment. 对不起我现在很忙

9. I'll text you later. 我稍后会发信息给你

10.I am very co-operative and well organized. 我乐于与人合作,且做事很有条理。

11.I am very sociable. 我很善于交际。

12.I can work well under pressure. 我工作抗压能力很好。

13.Our products are in heavy demand. 我们的产品需求量巨大。

14.Our products have won wide popularity in your country.我们的产品在你们国非常流行。

15.We are confident that your customer will find our goods satisfactory.


职场英语100个常用语 每日英语干货之Job(4)
