Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents?Section A,我来为大家讲解一下关于8下英语unit 6 section a课文讲解?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!

8下英语unit 6 section a课文讲解(人教版8下英语Unit)

8下英语unit 6 section a课文讲解

Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents?

Section A

1 .My parents don't allow me to hang out with my friends.



1) allow sb, to do sth.被允许做某事

eg; My father allows me to watch TV on weekends爸爸许我周看电视

2)be allowed to do sth.被允许做...

eg: Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes应该允许青少年选择他们自己的衣服。

3)allow doing sth. eg;

eg: We do not allow smoking in the restaurants我们不允许在餐馆内吸烟。

4) allow sb.sth.给予/提供某人某物

eg: allow sb. /sth. in /out允许……进/出 eg:Kathy never allows her pet dog in the bedroom从不让她的宠物狗进人卧室.

2.find sb. doing sth.意为“发现某人正在做某事”,“ doing sth.”作宾语补足语,表示动作正在进行中。

eg: The mother found her son playing computer games when she got home.当妈到家时,她发现儿子正在玩电脑游戏。

3. look through为“动词 介词”结构的短语,意为“测览;快速查看”

eg: Look through your papers before handing them in交卷前,仔细检査你的试卷。

拓展与look 相关的短语

look after照顾 look out当心 look up向上看; 查阅 look over检查

look into向里看;调查 look around环顾四周 look forward to期盼;期待

look down upon/on看不起;轻视 look for寻找 look like看起来像


eg:I don ‘t know what I did wrong我不知道我做错了什么。

The doctor could find nothing wrong with him. 医生查不出他有什么病。短语:go wrong出故障;做错事 eg:If you do what she tells you, you won't go far wrong. 如果你按照她说的做,就不会出大差错。

My watch keeps going wrong. 我的表不断地出毛病。

get sb. wrong误会,误解,曲解(某人的意思)

Eg: Don’t get me wrong. I think he's doing a good job, but... 别误解我,我认为他活儿干得不错,不过…What’ s wrong?意为“怎么了?”常用来询某人或某物有什么麻烦或某人有什么病,或某事出了什么故障,其后可接介词with what’s wrong with sb?



big deal表示“重要的事情或情况”,人们常说It’s not a big deal."或" It’s no big deal.",表示说话人并不认为某事有什么了不起。He made a deal with the young man.他和那个年轻人做了一笔交易。

相关短语:① a good deal of意为“大量的;很多的”,后接不可数名词

Eg: A great deal of money is spent on the project every year.每年在这项工程上花很多钱。② a good deal意为“一笔好的交易(买得便宣)”。eg: You can get many good deals in the supermarket on National Day国庆节,你在超市可以买到很多便宜东西。③It’s a deal.意为“就这么办;一言为定”,常用于口语中。(2)vi,意为“涉及;处理;应对”,多与必 deal with,意为“处理;对付”。eg: The fellow is easy to deal with.那个家伙容易对付。

eg:I’ m not sure how to deal with the situation at work,我不知道怎样应付工作上出现的情况。

deal with与 do with区别:deal with 常与 how连用 处理;对待;与...交易do with 常与what连用。处理;对待eg:What have you done with the eggs?你是怎样处理鸡蛋的?

eg:How do you deal with the computer?


get on意为“相处;进展”,相当于 get alongeg: Jim always gets on well with his吉姆一直和他的同学相处得很好get on /along with sth.在某方面的进展情况get on /along with sb. 与...相处词组拓展get on上车,反义词为 get offeg:The boys get along well with each other男孩子们相处得很融。-How are you getting on with your English?你的英语学习情况如何-Very well.很好。

7.argue 作动词,意为“争论;争吵”。

eg: The old couple are always arguing那对老夫妇总吵架。

argue with sb. about/ on sth.就某事争论

Eg; I’m arguing with her about which team will win我在同她争论哪个队会。

拓展 argument为 argue的名词,意为“争论;争;争吵”。

have an argument with sb.= argue with sb.与某人争吵

8 . elder

elder年长的 只可指人 主要用于表示家庭成员之间的长幼关系,作定语

older 年龄较大的,较旧的 指物 在居中可作定语或表语。

9. instead作副词,意为“代替;而不是”,常作状语,可位于句首或句尾。

eg: He never studies.Instead,he plays all day and all night.

Eg:Tony I was too busy. Letme go instead.

instead of prep. in the place of sb/sth 代替;作为…的替换; 而不是We just hadsoup instead of a full meal. 我们没有吃全餐,只喝了汤。 Now I can walk to work instead of going by car. 现在我可以步行去上班,而不必开车了。

10. whatever

作代词,意为“任何;每一",可引导名词性从句。本句是 whatever引导的宾语从句。

eg:Whatever I do can’t make my parents happy无论我做什么都不能让我的父母开心。(主语从句)

eg:This is whatever I can do for you这就是我能为你做的。(表语从句)



offer sb.sth.提供某人某物

offer sth. to sb.提供某人某物

offer to do sth.主动提出做...eg: He offered me a cup of tea.他倒了杯茶给我喝。eg: He offered to lend me his bike.他主动提出要把自行车借给我。

offer, provide和supply 的区别:(1)offer 强调主动地给别人提供某物 The hotel offers free breakfast to visitors。表达“提供某人某物 offer sb. sth. =offer sth to sb

(2) provide强调某人出于某种责任或义务提供某物。 provide sb.with sth\ provide sth. for sb.(3)作名词,意为“提供;提议”。He got an offer of admission from Tsinghua University他到了清华大学的录取通知。

(3) supply 通常指定期供应,强调替代或补充所需物品 supply sth to sb/ supply sb with sth

12. proper


be proper for sth.适合于…

It's proper for sb. to do sth.

It’s proper that 从句

Eg:The medicine isn’t proper for the disease这种药不适用于这种病。

eg: It's not proper for you to say that in this situation.在这种场合,你不适合那样说.

13. explain


1) explain sth. to sb.

2) explain (to sb.) 疑问词(wh-) 从句

3) explain that 从句

Eg: First, I'll explain the rules of the game to you 首先,我要向你说明游戏规则。

Eg:Can you explain how the e-mail system works?你能解释一下电子邮件系统的工作原理吗?

Eg:Alex explained that his car had broken down亚历克斯解释说他的汽车出了故障。

注意 explain不能接双宾语,接sb.时,前面应加介词to,即 explain sth.to sb.。类似用法的词还有say(说)、 suggest(建议)、 complain(抱怨)。

拓展 explanation n.说明;解释 how to do由“疑问副词 不定式”构成,在句中作explain的宾语。

拓展“疑问代词/副词 不定式结构在句中可以作主语、宾语表语、宾补等。能接这类结构作宾语的动词还有know、 decide show forget find out wonder learn ask teach等。此结构中常见的疑问代词有what、 which、who、whom等,疑问副词有how、when、 where、 whether等.

14. clear


You'll do as you're told, is that clear? 叫你做什么你就去做什么,明白吗?

This behavior must stop—do I make myself clear ? 这种行为必须停止—我讲清楚了吧?

I hope I made it clear to him that he was no longer welcome here. 我希望我已经给他讲清楚他在这里不再受欢迎。

It was quite clear to me that she was lying. 我十分清楚她在撒谎。

You'll need to keep a clear head for your interview. 你面试时需要保持清醒的头脑。

a clear blue sky 晴朗的碧空

Are you clear about the arrangements for tomorrow? 你清楚明天的安排吗?

The road was clear and I ran over. 路上没有东西挡着,我就跑了过来。

2> v. 清理; 变明朗,转晴,放晴; 变清醒;(烟、雾等)消散,散去,消失;恢复畅通,不再受阻:

It's your turn to clear the table. 该轮到你收拾餐桌了。

I went for a walk to clear my head. 我去散一会儿步,好清醒清醒头脑。

The mist will clear by mid-morning. 雾将在上午十时左右消散。

The sky cleared after the storm. 暴风雨过后,天转晴了。

The traffic took a long time to clear after the accident. 事故过去后很长时间交通才恢复畅通。

15. return

(1)作及物动词,意为“归还”(= give back to )

短语 return sb.sh.= return sth.to sb.

Eg : Don't forget to return my pen.

(3) 作为不及物动词,意为返回=get back

Eg: We must return to Dalian in three weeks.

return 不与back连用因其本意就有回来之意。

相关短语:in return作为回报eg:we should do something for our parents in return.
