


No Chinglish Allowed

话题~:You are the shit?

“You are the shit ??” , is it translated to Chinese like "你是一坨屎??"

Nope! Reading the following infos you may find out.

I‘m wondering whether you will understand this sentence as to critisize someone and pull them down or not ? No, this sentence is quite different than you expected.

首先我在想,大家是否会理解这个句子成了批评某人或者让他们难堪呢? 但其实,它的意思完全跟你想的不一样。但是为什么? “Shit", is that a dirty word or swear word?

Yuh, you are right in some ways. The word "shit" is ofen used in sayings.

"Sb be the shit " means sb is awesome or coolest. It's positive sentences.


The similiar phrase like "someone be shit" then it used to describe something negative.

--其他它还有一个类似的词组 ”Someone be shit" ,那么这个词组常用于表达事情消极的一面。

区别在于特指 “the" ,所以大家要明白这里的要点

那么这个Chinglish如何纠正呢? .You are the shit (你太厉害了。)

那么拓展一些关于 ”shit“ 的其他习语表达:

1.not give a shit = I don't care. --(我不在乎,不屑一顾)

For instance: I don't give a shit what he thinks.


2.(Holy)shit ! --(天哪!)

For instance: Holy shit ! I did have no idea why I failed the exam.

翻译:天哪! 我都不知道为什么会考试不及格。

3.lost one's shit = make sb crazy --(让人抓狂) / 类似于Piss sb off

For instance: Don't make me lost my shit.


4.Shit hot --非常棒的人或事物

For instance: Did you see that goal he just scored. It was shit hot !

翻译:刚才他进球你看到了吗? 好球!

5.Shit-faced --烂醉的

For instance: He went out last night and got shit-faced.


6.Shit on sb --苛刻对待某人

For instance: He made his money by shitting on other people.


总结:" You are the shit " 才是指”你很厉害“的意思。不要再犯中式英语的陷阱咯,各小伙们,本栏目仅100期,每一期都十分珍贵,拭目以待吧。

tips: Get rid of Chinglish, learning more authetic English, just right here. You can do it !!!