“读懂”英语,“会用”英语:be taken into custody

对于一个长期基本处于非英语语言环境中的英语“学习者”(If any at all),光用汉语“懂得”英语“什么意思”没有任何意义:你本来就处于没有机会使用英语的非英语语言环境,你再继续“用”汉语,而“不用”英语,你的英语岂非“雪上加霜”?





1.Okay.I got you.If the police believe or think you have committed a crime or done something wrong,or illegal,then you're a suspect.


2.Okay.I got you.If you're taken into custody,you're arrested,or under arrest,or yiu're detained.

“能”把这些学过的已知的英语“用起来”很重要,光会用汉语“懂”英语take into custody没有意义,恐怕还连custody这个单词的“形”写都写不出来,脑子里剩下的只有它的汉语意思,最后你“懂”的不过还是汉语罢了。

3.Okay.I got you.If a bomb detonates,it explodes,it goes off.

如果我们的英语“学来学去”(if any at all),却连这样的高中英语都不会说,只会说汉语“炸弹爆炸”(“音”不是英语的,“形”也不是英语的,“义”更不是英语的),这样的英语教育难怪被一些“斗士”口口声声喊“打倒在地再踏上一只脚”。


The suspect who drove near the U.S. Capitol building on Thursday threatening that the bomb in his vehicle would detonate ultimately surrendered and was taken into custody, U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) said, ending an hours-long standoff starting in the morning during which multiple nearby buildings were evacuated. The USCP said that the suspect was identified as 49-year-old Floyd Ray Roseberry, and they found possible bomb-making materials but no viable explosives in the suspect's vehicle. The Capitol Police would work with the office of the U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia to determine what criminal charges Roseberry will face.
