


Wenzhou: A Tale of Two Languages. Hello everyone. This is Appreciate Wenzhou, Voice of Kean, welcome to our program.

双语赏读, 品味温州。亲爱的朋友们大家好,这里是朗读温州肯恩广播室,欢迎收听我们今天的节目。

I’m Chloe from Wenzhou-Kean university.


Wenzhou-Kean University is a Chinese-American university. Here, all the teaching is done in English, so today I will read you in English.


In today’s program, we will share a chapter from Khaled Hosseini’ s novel “The Kite Runner”. The book is about a rich boy and his servant. It's also about kite-flying--something we Chinese know a lot about! Khaled Hossein, the writer, was born in 1965 in Kabul, Afghanistan. He immigrated to America and is a doctor as well. “The kite runner” was his first novel.


Today’s excerpt is about Amir's--the rich boy--victory in a kite flying competition after he cut off his opponent's kite line, his servant Hassan's kite running, and the words "for you, a thousand times over" that has moved my heart, and I hope will move yours.


Now, let’s enjoy part of “The Kite Runner”.




I opened my eyes, saw the blue kite spinning wildly like a tire come loose from a speeding car. I blinked, tried to say something. Nothing came out. Suddenly I was hovering, looking down on myself from above. Black leather coat, red scarf, faded jeans. A thin boy, a little sallow, and a tad short for his twelve years. He had narrow shoulders and a hint of dark circles around his pale hazel eyes. The breeze rustled his light brown hair. He looked up to me and we smiled at each other. Then I was screaming, and everything was color and sound, everything was alive and good.

I was throwing my free arm around Hassan and we were hopping up and down, both of us laughing, both of us weeping. “You won, Amir agha! You won!” “We won! We won!” was all I could say. This wasn’t happening. In a moment, I’d blink and rouse from this beautiful dream, get out of bed, march down to the kitchen to eat breakfast with no one to talk to but Hassan. Get dressed. Wait for Baba. Give up. Back to my old life. Then I saw Baba on our roof. He was standing on the edge, pumping both of his fists. Hollering and clapping. And that right there was the single greatest moment of my twelve years of life, seeing Baba on that roof, proud of me at last. But he was doing something now, motioning with his hands in an urgent way. Then I understood. “Hassan, we--” “I know,” he said, breaking our embrace.

“‘Inshallah’, we’ll celebrate later. Right now, I’m going to run that blue kite for you,” he said. He dropped the spool and took off running, the hem of his green chapan dragging in the snow behind him.

“Hassan!” I called. “Come back with it!”

He was already turning the street corner, his rubber boots kicking up snow. He stopped, turned. He cupped his hands around his mouth. “For you a thousand times over!” he said.

Then he smiled his Hassan smile and disappeared around the corner.














指导老师|蒋浩洁 汤涟猗 James Tarwood

