cor, cordis N (3rd) Nheart; mind/soul/spirit; intellect/judgment; sweetheart; souls/persons (pl.),我来为大家讲解一下关于初中英语八上单词速记?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



cor, cordis N (3rd) N

heart; mind/soul/spirit; intellect/judgment; sweetheart; souls/persons (pl.)

cordial ['kɔ:djəl] [cord- 心 + -ial (= -al), of, relating to, or characterized by 形容词后缀,…的] 衷心的,诚心的

cordially [,kɔ:djəli] [见上,-ly, forming adverbs from adjectives, chiefly denoting manner or degree 副词后缀,…的] 衷心地,诚心地,真诚地

cordiality [,kɔ:di'æliti] [见上,-ity, state; quality of 名词后缀] 诚心,热诚,亲切

record [ri'kɔ:d, 'rekɔ:d] [re-, back; again 回,再,cord心→想,忆;“回忆”→以备回忆之用] 记录,记载 (心之官则思)

recorder [ri'kɔ:də] [见上,-er, person or thing that does 施动的人或事物,表示人或物] 记录者,录音机

recordable [ri'kɔ:dəbl] [见上,-able, able 形容词后缀,可…的] 可记录的

recordation [,rekə'deiʃən] [见上,-ation(= -ate -ion)名词后缀] 记录,记载

# -ation, action or process; the result of an action or process; state, condition, or quality of

recording [ri'kɔ:diŋ] [见上,-ing名词后缀] 记录,录音

# -ing, denoting a verbal action, an instance of this, or its result 表示“动作(或动作过程、动作结果)”

recordist [ri'kɔ:dist] [见上,-ist, professional 表示人] 录音员

# denoting a member of a profession or business activity 表示“专业人员”,“从事…的人”

concord ['kɔŋkɔ:d, kən'kɔ:d] [con- (< com-), together 共同,相同,合 + -cord, heart 心,意;“同心合意”] 同意,一致,和谐,协调

concordant [kən'kɔ:dənt] [见上,-ant, equivalent to “-ing”, , that is or does (sth) 处於...状态的; 进行...动作的,形容词后缀, …的] 和谐的,一致的,协调的

#-ant, denoting attribution of an action or state [构成形容词]表示“进行…动作的”,“处于…状态的”

discord ['diskɔ:d, dis'kɔ:d] [dis-, away, apart 分,离,cord心,意;“分心离意”] > 不一致,不协调,不和

apple of discord 不和的金苹果;引起不和的争端;不和的种子;祸根(据希腊神话三女神因争金苹果而导致特洛伊战争)

discordance[dis'kɔ:dəns] [见上,-ance名词后缀] 不一致,不协调,不和

# -ance, denoting a quality or state or an instance of one 表示“性质”,“状况”

discordant [dis'kɔ:dənt] [见上,-ant, that is or does (sth) 处於...状态的; 进行...动作的,形容词后缀,…的] 不一致的,不协调的,不和的

accord [ə'kɔ:d] [ac- (ad-) 表示to,cord心;“心心相印”] 一致,协调,符合,使一致

accordance [ə'kɔ:dəns] [见上,-ance, the action or state of 名词后缀] 一致,协调,调和

accordant [ə'kɔ:dənt] [见上,-ant, that is or does (sth) 处於...状态的; 进行...动作的,形容词后缀,…的] 一致的,协调的

cordate ['kɔ:deit] [cord心,-ate形容词后缀,…的] 心脏形的

# -ate, full of or showing a specified quality 富於或显示某性质: affectionate * passionate * Italianate.

core [kɔ:] [cor=cord心] 核心
