昨天无意中看到了美国语文课外读物中的一句话很有感触,“He always sits there hour after hour, Staring at the crowd go by out of the window in a daze.”~“他总是在那里一坐就是半天儿,看着窗外来来往往的人群发呆。”
相信这句话大家伙都看明白了,这其中有个短语很有意思,"hour after hour" 从字面上看是一小时之后的一小时,其实就是我们中文里说的"一小时又一小时",指的是一种持续不间断的状态,大家可不要翻译成"hour and hour"哟,否则就成了中式英语啦!
hour after hour
na. 一小时又一小时;连续几个小时; 持续地;连续地;不停地
【En】If you say that someone does something hour after hour, you are emphasizing that they do it continually for a long time. 如果你说某人一小时接着一小时地做某事,你是在强调他们持续地做这件事很长时间。For many hours without stopping. 一连好几个小时不停歇。
● He and my mom were arguing every night, hour after hour.
● It is just one dead end after the other, It is hour after hour after hour just trying to find the answer judge the question where I'm going to have my insurance is and what it is going to cost.
● After working hour after hour through the night to save part of their lives.
【活学活用 give an example】
● I sat by her bedside for hour after hour.
● Hour after hour passed without rescue forthcoming.
● He'll sit there hour after hour looking at the traffic go by.
他常常坐在那里好几个钟头, 看着车辆来往。
● He held the pose hour after hour without appearance of fatigue.
● They waited hour after hour but nothing happened.
● Hour after hour I had to sit in the box and go on trial before Congress and the press.
● The mental strain of staying alert hour after hour was too much for him.
● Hour after hour, day after day, she started up with passionate cries on her father to save Jem.
● They have ridden me like a nightmare, day and night, hour after hour, to this very moment.