北京至雄安新区城际铁路(京雄城际铁路)12月27日全线开通运营。线路全长91公里,最高设计时速350公里。北京西站至雄安新区间最快旅行时间50分钟,大兴机场至雄安新区间最快19分钟可达。The Beijing-Xiong'an intercity railway opened to traffic on Dec 27, connecting the Chinese capital with the Xiong'an New Area. The railway is 91 kilometers long and has a maximum design speed of 350 kilometers per hour. Passengers can take high-speed trains from Beijing West Railway Station directly to Xiong'an New Area with the shortest commuting time at 50 minutes. The journey between Beijing Daxing International Airport and Xiong'an will be about 19 minutes.




【重要讲话】建设雄安新区是千年大计。新区首先就要新在规划、建设的理念上,要体现出前瞻性、引领性。要全面贯彻新发展理念,坚持高质量发展要求,努力创造新时代高质量发展的标杆。Developing Xiong'an New Area is a strategy that will have lasting importance for the millennium to come. The new area is supposed to showcase prospective and leading new ideas in both planning and construction. We should implement new development concepts and stick to high-quality growth so as to build Xiong'an New Area into a model of high-quality development in the new era.——2019年1月16日,在河北雄安新区规划展示中心考察调研时表示


京津冀协同发展 coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region

世界眼光、国际标准、中国特色、高点定位 world vision, international standards, Chinese characteristics and high goals

新时代高质量发展的标杆 a model of high-quality development in the new era
