本篇文章来自:Hey! Hey! Hey! 我是RJ高晓龙,欢迎来到今天的「1MinuteEnglish」,我来为大家讲解一下关于use后面只能接to do吗?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!

use后面只能接to do吗(那些你不知道的关于)

use后面只能接to do吗


Hey! Hey! Hey! 我是RJ高晓龙,欢迎来到今天的「1MinuteEnglish」。

“Use”,我们都知道它是用的意思,也知道如何使用。但是如果把它变成“used to”,或者“be used to”,你知道它是什么意思吗?又该如何正确、地道地使用它呢?

I’m used to teaching this in class, and I used to use “use” in the same sentence, which would understandably confuse my students. So let’s clear the confusion, and figure out what’s the difference between “use,” “used to,” and “be used to,” shall we?

我曾经在课堂上教过这个内容,我在一个句子里用了很多“use” (I used to use “use” in the same sentence),在我说完这句话之后,我仿佛看到了他们头上冒出了好多问号。所以,为了解开这你们对这个单词的疑惑,今天我要告诉你们“use”、“used to”、和“be used to”之间到底有什么区别。

►► Use

First, the super easy one. “Use” is just a simple verb, it doesn’t require any special grammar, just the normal subject verb object, and it just means 用.

我们先从一个最简单的开始。“Use”,一个简单的动词,它不需要任何特殊的语法,只需要把主语 动词 宾语放在一起就行,它的意思是“用”。


Malloy used a coat hanger to break into Woodie’s car.


I use the internet to teach class.


Archer will use a pen and paper, instead of a computer, to write Lana a love letter.


►► Used to

OK, now the part that causes the most confusion. First, let’s look at “used to.” Here, it’s always subject used to infinitive verb. This shows that we did something before, but now we do not. Whatever verb you say, it must be different now! If it’s the same, then you just say “subject past verb.”

好了,“Use”的用法学完,现在让我们进入最令人困惑的部分。首先,我们看“used to”这个词组。在这里,你需要用到,主语 used to 不定式动词。它表示我们以前做过一些事情,但现在我们不做了。不管你用了什么动词,接下来的情况肯定不一样了!如果情况还是相同的话,那么你只要说“主语 动词的过去式”就行了。


Carole used to be a country music singer, but she retired a couple years ago.


Before coming to China, I used to hate mushrooms. Now that I eat them in China though, they taste great!


Can you believe he used to be a beggar and sleep on the street? Now he’s one of the richest people in the world.


►► Be used to

So what about “be used to?” Well, first, notice the be there, which is SUPER important! The grammar is: subject be verb used to noun / continuous verb (the “ing” verb). This shows that someone is familiar with some action or something. They’ve done it many times before or have experience, so now it’s nothing strange or new to them. You can also say “get/got used to” to emphasize the “process”.

“Used to”学完了,那“be used to”呢?首先,我们注意一下“be”,它在整个词组中起到了至关重要的作用!它所用到的语法是:主语 be动词 used to 名词/连续动词(ing形式)。它表示某人对某些行为或某事很熟悉。他们已经做过很多次了,或者已经很有经验,所以现在对他们来说没什么奇怪的。你也可以说“get/got used to”,来强调过程。


People always ask me if I’m used to eating with chopsticks. Of course, after 15 years, I have to be!


Denzel thought Connie’s deep voice was strange and annoying at first, but he eventually got used to it – now he doesn't even notice.


Stewie used to hate living next to an airport, but now he’s used to the sound of airplanes flying over the house.


►► 试着使用今天学习的内容,把下面这段话翻译成中文:

I hope those explanations and those examples help! It’s time for me to get some food. I used toeat lots bread and fruit, but I’m on a new diet (减肥), nowI’m used toeating mostly vegetables and meats. I made it yesterday though, so I’llusethe microwave to warm it up.I’m used tousing the microwave, so I know it won’t taste bad. Iused to use the stove (火炉), but it’s just too slow. Anyway, sorry for talking too much, I’ll go now!

This is RJ高晓龙, saying thank you for listening to 「1MinuteEnglish」. Cya~

我是 RJ高晓龙,感谢你收听今天的「1MinuteEnglish」。我们下次见~




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