With the development of Internet and modern communication tools, different kinds of online tools such as e-mail, MSN, QQ are broadly used for our day-to-day communication. People are even addicted to this kind of communication. The real time of net worm is coming. ,我来为大家讲解一下关于新时代高频词汇?跟着小编一起来看一看吧!



网虫时代(time of net worm)

With the development of Internet and modern communication tools, different kinds of online tools such as e-mail, MSN, QQ are broadly used for our day-to-day communication. People are even addicted to this kind of communication. The real time of net worm is coming.


卡奴("Card Slaves" )

"Card Slaves" is a new buzzword(流行词) which is translated from "ka'nu" in Chinese Pinyin. Some card holders, especially youngsters with large shopping addictions and small salaries, have outstanding credit card debts and gradually become "card slaves".


网购(Online shopping)

Online shopping is the process that consumers go through to purchase products or services over the Internet. Different from shopping in a mall, you can get the items you like with just a few clicks of your mouse.



buzzword /ˈbʌzwɜːrd/ n. 流行词