

Unit 1

1. seem


◆seem (to be) 形容词/名词(短语)

◆seem to do sth.

◆It seems that ...


(1) 一切似乎很难。

Everything ________ ________.

(2) John好像有很多朋友。

John ________ ________ ________ many friends.

(3) 那位老人似乎是一个善良的人。

That old man ________ ________ ________ a kind man.

(4) 看来Anna不喜欢这个主意。

________ ________ ________ Anna doesn't like the idea.

2. try



◆try to do sth. 表示“设法做某事”。

◆try doing sth. 表示“试着做某事”。

◆try one's best to do sth. 表示“尽某人最大的努力做某事”,与do one's best to do sth.同义。

②作名词时常用于have a try这一固定短语中,意为“试一试”。


(1) Wendy ________ ________ ________(尝试着学汉语), but it was too difficult for her.

(2) This job is easy. You can ________ ________ ________(试一试).

(3) My brother always ________ ________ ________ ________(设法努力学习).

(4) We must ________ ________ ________(尽我们最大的努力) to make the classroom clean.

3. feel like



【链接】feel like (doing) sth.与would like (to do) sth.和want (to do) sth.同义。


(1) 今天感觉像春天一样。

Today ________ ________ ________.

(2) 现在我的父亲想要一杯茶。

My father ________ ________ a cup of tea now.

(3) 我想在河边散步。

________ ________ ________ ________ a walk along the river.

(4) 这个男孩觉得他的腿断了。

The boy ________ ________ his leg was broken.

4. enough


◆作副词时,意为“足够地;充足地;充分地”,用来修饰形容词或副词,通常放在被修饰词的后面;且常用于“副词/形容词 enough ( for sb.) to do sth.”结构中,表示“(对某人来说)足够……能做某事”。


(1) They left ___________________(足够早) yesterday.

(2) They have ___________________(充足的时间) to do the job.

(3) There are ___________________(充足的书) for us to read.

(4) The house is ___________________(足够大可供三个人居住).


Unit 2

1. full



②“满的”,其反义词为empty (空的),常用于be full of




(1) Sorry, the hotel is full this evening. _________

(2) I'm full, so I don't want to eat anything. _________

(3) Her life is full and she doesn't have time to relax. _________

2. maybe

用作副词,意为“大概;或许;可能”,可与may be相互转换。如:Maybe you are right. = You may be right.

【链接】may be是由情态动词may加系动词be构成的,意为“也许是;可能是”。它位于句中,与后面的表语一起构成谓语部分。


Ⅰ. 选词填空

1. ___________(Maybe / May be) you should often visit him.

2. Sara ___________(maybe / may be) in the museum now.

Ⅱ. 写出同义句

1. She may be a singer.


2. Maybe this is a boy's bedroom.


3. more than

①后接数词,表示“超过……;多于……”,同义词为over,反义词为less than(不到;少于)。



(1) 苏州有着2500多年的历史。

____________________________ (2017 江苏苏州)

(2) 我叔叔不只是一位老师。


4. Only two percent of the students watch TV one to three times a week. Thirteen percent watch TV four to six times a week.

What percent of the students do not exercise at all?

①percent用作名词,意为“百分之……”。英语中百分数的表达形式为“基数词 percent”,percent无复数形式。

②当“百分数 of the 名词”作主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式由of后面的名词的数来决定,即:of后面是复数可数名词时,谓语动词用复数形式;of后面是不可数名词或单数可数名词时,谓语动词用单数形式。

③再次使用“百分数 of the 名词”结构时,如果该名词在前面已经提到,则可省略“of the 名词”部分。



(1) 60 percent of the water in the river ___________(is / are) dirty.

(2) About 80 percent of the young people ___________(likes / like) popular music.

(3) ___________(What / How much) percent of the students always drink juice?

5. It is good to relax by using the Internet or watching game shows, but we think the best way to relax is through exercise.

①It is 形容词 (for sb.) to do sth.是英语中的常用句型,意为“(对某人来说)做某事……”。

②It is good to relax ... 中的to relax在句中作真正的主语(it是形式主语),而 ... the best way to relax ... 中的to relax在句中作定语。




Ⅰ. 选词填空

by, through

1. The river runs ___________ the village.

2. The man became rich (富有的) ___________ his hard work.

3. John keeps healthy ___________ playing sports every day.

Ⅱ. 完成句子

1. 住在这样一个现代化的城市里很舒适。

___________ comfortable ___________ ___________ in such a modern city.

2. Claire今晚有很多作业要做。

Claire has a lot of homework ___________ ___________ this evening.


Unit 3

1. both



Both (the / these / her) children are sleeping.


Both of us like swimming. = We both like swimming.

—Which one do you want?

—I'll take both, please.

【拓展】both ... and ... 意为“既……又……;……和……”,连接两个并列成分。当连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。


(1) 这两个男孩都喜欢打篮球。

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ like playing basketball.

(2) Isabel既聪明又漂亮。

Isabel is ___________ clever ___________ beautiful.

(3) 她俩都擅长弹钢琴。

___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ good at playing the piano.

(4) 两个女孩都是六岁。

___________ ___________ are six years old.

2. win

作动词,意为“获胜;赢;赢得”,作不及物动词用时,后可跟介词against / at;作及物动词用时,宾语通常是比赛、比赛的名次或奖品、战斗、战争、金钱等。


(1) ___________ ___________ ___________(哪个队获胜了) in the end?

(2) I'm sure you can ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________(赢得绘画比赛).

(3) Class 3 __________ __________ ___________(赢得第一名) in the basketball game last year.

(4) The young man ___________ ___________(赢得100美元) in the game show yesterday.

(5) Frank __________ _________ _________ _________(打网球总赢) because he's so good at it.

3. laugh

◆作动词,且作不及物动词用,意为“笑;发笑”,常用于短语laugh at中,可意为①嘲笑;②因……发笑;③不在乎……。

◆作名词,且作可数名词用,可意为“笑声”,如have a good / hearty laugh (尽情地笑;笑得痛快),break into a loud laugh (突然大笑起来),have / get the last laugh (笑到最后;获得最后的胜利)。


(1) We ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________(嘲笑他的衬衫) this morning.

(2) Everyone _________ _________ _________ ________(尽情地笑) after he told a funny story.

(3) My friends _________ _________ _________ _________ _______(突然大笑起来) just now.

4. reach

◆意为“伸手”时,作不及物动词用,常用于reach for ...(伸手去拿……,够到……)短语中。


【链接】arrive和get也有“到达”之意,但它们作不及物动词用,后面接地点名词时,要用arrive in / at或get to。


(1) When he _______________________(到达北京), it was 3:00 a.m.

(2) Please call me when you _______________________(到了汽车站).

(3) The old man tried to _______________________(伸手去拿电话) and call his son.

5. share

作动词时,作及物动词用,意为“分享;共享;共用;分摊”,常用于短语share sth. with sb.中。

【拓展】互联网 时代,我们的生活已经离不开共享。下面是一些与share相关的热词,如:bike-sharing / shared bikes (共享单车),car-sharing / shared cars (共享汽车),charger-sharing (共享充电宝),sharing economy (共享经济)等。


(1) 刚才我们四个把那份比萨饼分着吃了。

We ___________ ___________ ___________ between the four of us just now.

(2) 我弟弟经常和他的朋友们分享他的玩具。

My brother often _________ _________ _________ ___________ ___________ ___________.

(3) 我们的公寓不大,我不得不和我妹妹共用一个卧室。

Our flat is not very big. I have to ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________.

6. I always get better grades than he does ...

◆句中的he does相当于he gets grades。英语中,为了避免重复,可以用助动词do / does / did ...代替前面刚提到的动词(短语)。

◆该句还可以写成 I always get better grades than he / him ...

【运用】用do, does或 did填空

(1) John works much harder than he ___________ last year.

(2) Lucas plays chess better than his brother ___________.

(3) My sister always drinks coffee with sugar, but I never ___________.



