
And now Words and Their Stories from VOA Learning English. On this program we explore words and expressions in American English.


Today, you might want to roll up your sleeves. We are going to get our hands dirty!


Figuratively, that is. Playing in mud is a popular activity for many children all around the world.

比如说, 这样。玩泥巴是世界各地许多孩子喜爱的活动。

What child doesn't love mixing just the right amount of water and dirt to get the perfect mud? If you want to go farther, you can make mud pies!


Shape the mud into circles and then decorate them with little sticks and stones, flowers, and leaves – basically any small item you find on the ground.

把泥土弄成圆形状,然后用小木棍、石头、花朵、树叶 —基本上是你在地上能找到的任何小东西来装饰它们。

Or perhaps making mud pies is not your thing. Maybe just digging in the mud is more your speed, or to your liking.


The feel of mud in your hands can be good for adults too. In fact, many people pay a lot of money for face and body mud treatments.


Maybe that is one reason people like to garden or make things from clay. You must get your hands dirty. And that is our expression for today.


"Getting your hands dirty" is a useful expression. And it has two very different uses.

"Getting your hands dirty"是一个很实用的表达方式。它有两个非常不同的用法。

The first one is for honest, hardworking people. If I am willing to get my hands dirty,

第一个是为诚实,勤劳的人。如果我愿意get my hands dirty,

it means I am willing to do the hard work of a project myself. I do not give the dirty work to others.


Now, that "hard work" could deal with actual dirt or it could just mean the hard parts of a project. It just means that you are willing to roll up your sleeves and do whatever hard work is needed to finish a job.

现在,"hard work"可以指处理实际的污垢,也可以只是指项目中困难的部分。它只是意味着你愿意卷起袖子,做任何艰苦的事情来完成一项工作。

For example, let's say my good friend is running for mayor. There is a lot of hard work needed to win an election.


So, I help gather signatures to get her on the election ballot. I walk around neighborhoods and pass out information to hundreds of voters.


She does too. She is not afraid to get her hands dirty and neither is her team of volunteers. When she wins, she thanks us all for our hard work.


Okay, now it is four years later. My friend has been in office and has become very powerful.


In fact, you could say that power has gone to her head. She is not thinking clearly or legally when she asks me to do her a favor. . . .


That brings us to the other way we use the expression "get your hands dirty". This way is for dishonest people.

这让我们想到了"get your hands dirty"这个表达的另一种用法。这是为那些欺诈,不诚实的人准备的。

Let's imagine that my friend, the Mayor, calls me into her office and asks me to do something for her – something illegal.

让我们想象一下,我的市长朋友,把我叫到她的办公室,让我为她做一些事情 ——— 一些非法的事情。

She wants me to ask a building developer for money for her re-election campaign. In return she will give him some city business.


She promises me that nothing will happen. But she simply can't risk getting her hands dirty.


I tell her that I really can't risk going to jail. I also tell her that we are no longer friends.


And that is the end of this Words and Their Stories! Until next time . . .


I'm Anna Matteo.

