
表示能力,可用 can , could ,be able to .can 既能表示现在的“能力”,也能表示将来的“能力”。


Look ! i can do it .

I can't do it now ,but i can do it later.

用can 表示现在的“能力”,即可表示做某桩具体事情的“能力”


I can climb this cliff.

Is there anything i can do for you ?



He can drive a car .

He is only four ,but he can read.

She can't play the piano.

Fire can not destroy gold.

can表示“能力”与be able to 同义,在许多情况下可以交替使用。


As i have got enough money, i can /am able to help her .

尤其是将来的“能力”,通常用will/shall be able to 表示。


表示过去的“能力”,可用could和was /were able to ,但在肯定句中,could 所表示的“能力”仅是泛指过去的一般能力。


She could play the piano when she was only six.

At that time i could still read without spectacles.

如果要表示过去做某桩具体事情的“能力”,通常不用could,而用 was /were able to (以及managed to ).


He was able to swim halfway before he collapsed.

He was able to translate the article without a dictionary .

I talked a long time ,and in the end i managed to make her believe me .

上述could 与was /were able to 用法上的区别仅是就肯定句而言,在否定句中却无此限制,could 即可表示过去的一般能力,也可表示过去做某桩具体事情的能力。


I couldn't /wasn't able to play the piano when i was at school.

He got so drunk that he couldn't /wasn't able to find the front door .

表示“能力”,除用can ,could ,be able to 外,还有其他表示法。


He has the ability to deal with complicated problems.

You are capable of better work than this .

He is capable of running a mile in four minutes.



表示“可能”,可用may ,might ,can ,could 。 may /might 表示“可能”,往往可以交替使用,并无时间上的差异,只是用might 在口气上比用may 更加不甚肯定,从而比较婉转。may/might 即可表示现在的“可能”

It may /might be true .

He may/might be still waiting at the door .

He may not /might not live near the theatre.


He may /might leave tomorrow .

He may not /might not leave next week .

在疑问卷中表示“可能”,须用can 而不用may .


Where can he be ?

He may be in the office .

Can they have missed the bus ?

Yes,they may have .

在肯定陈述句中,用can 表示“可能”与用may表示“可能”,往往产生含义上的微妙差别,用can 表示“可能”往往指逻辑上的“可能性”,而用may 表示“可能”则指事实上的“可能性”。

The road can be blocked .=(It is possible for the road to be blocked )

The road may be blocked .=(It is possible that the road is blocked )


Mr Reed is in poor health .He can be ill at any time .

Mr Reed looks pale .He may be ill.


表示过去的“可能”,可用may/might 不定式完成时或不定式完成进行时,在这里用may/might ,也只有口气上婉转程度的差异,而没有时间上的区别。


He may/might have been hurt .

She may/might have missed the train .

用might/could 不定式完成时,有时可以表示本来可能发生,或者本来可能完成却没有完成的动作。


You might have killed yourself .(你差点儿送了命)

You might have finished the work last week.

I could have reported you .(我本可以告发你)

I could have passed the examination ,but i failed .

表示“可能”,除用may /may not ,can /can't 外,还有一些形容词、副词、以及相应的名词也都能表示“可能”

Frost is possible ,although unlikely at this time of year .(下霜是可能的,尽管在这个时节下霜可能性不大)

She was possibly the greatest writer of her generation .(她可能是她那一代人中最伟大的作家)

There is possibility of his coming /that he'll come .

It is perhaps the best known of her works .

如果要表示很大的可能性,可用 probable ,probably ,likely ,probability,likelihood 等。


It is probable /likely that he will come .

He is likely to come .

He's probably stuck in a traffic jam.(他很有可能遇上了堵车)

There is little probability of his succeeding /that he will succeed .(他不大可能会成功)

