



Topic:In your opinion, is it important for people to study history? Why or why not?

I think that it is important to learn history because you can learn about how people did things in the past and improve society. Certain inventions have revolutionised the world. For example, the Internet is a very important tool for our daily lives as well as advancing technology and the economy. You can also look at the bad things people did and never make the same mistakes again. For example, the residential school system which killed many Indigenous children and the whole process of slavery, which treated certain people rather badly. If people learn about these events, it is unlikely that they will repeat the process. And, you could be inspired by famous figures from history, you could even become one yourself. For example, Einstein, Galileo, and Marie Curie are all famous scientists and without them, many things we know today wouldn’t be known and made great contributions to society.
