After work, my father likes watching TV and putting his feet up. 下班之后,我爸爸就喜欢看会电视,躺着休息会 ,今天小编就来说说关于英语170个表达?下面更多详细答案一起来看看吧!



put sb's feet up 休息

After work, my father likes watching TV and putting his feet up. 下班之后,我爸爸就喜欢看会电视,躺着休息会。

put sb's foot down 出面制止

Now it's time for my father to end their argument. 现在是我爸出面结束这场争论的时候了。

put sb's foot on the gas 踩油门 == put sb's foot down 猛踩油门
  1. She put her foot on the gas trying to overtake cars. 她踩油门试图超车。
  2. Please don't put your foot down when you are new to driving. 当你刚开车的时候,请不要猛踩油门。
put on sb's brakes 踩刹车 == slam on the brakes 猛踩刹车
  1. The first thing you have to learn is to put on your brakes. 你要学的第一件事就是踩刹车。
  2. She slammed on the brakes to avoid a dog. 她猛踩刹车,避免撞到狗。
put sb's foot in it == put sb's foot in sb's mouth 无意中说出让人尴尬的话

I am sorry for putting my foot in it at your wedding. 我很道歉在你婚礼上,说了让你尴尬的话。

There's safety in numbers. 人多保险;人多势众

There's safety in numbers. Let's persuade more workers to join us for labor rights. 人多保险。让我们去劝说更多工人加入我们捍卫劳工权益。

be in two minds == be of two minds (about doing sth) 犹豫不决

I am in two minds whether or not to go to his wedding. 我犹豫不决是否要参加他的婚礼。

have a whale of a time 玩得很开心

We had a whale of a time together last weekend. 上周末,我们一起玩得十分尽兴。

spend money like there was no tomorrow 拼命花钱

Since he was diagnosed with cancer, he has begun to spend money like there was no tomorrow. 自从他确诊癌症之后,他就开始了拼命花钱。

go cap in hand to sb 对某人卑躬屈膝

Sometimes you have to go cap in hand to someone who is in power. 有时候,你不得不对掌权的人低声下气。
