Unit 63 The Balance of Nature

自然界有它自己的规律,人为的破坏生态平衡给人类的教训不少,请根据老鹰与小鸡、田鼠的关系;美洲豹与鹿、野玫瑰的关系,以The Balance of Nature为题写一篇议论文,发表自己的看法,要求字数在100左右。


The Balance of Nature①

It is very important for us to keep the balance of nature. And nature often teaches its lessons②. Here are two examples.

Eagles③ (or: Hawks) eat chickens. They eat field mice as well. The farmers once killed many eagles to protect their chickens. But to their surprise④, more and more mice appeared. A lot of their grains⑤ were eaten.

In one place of America the deer eat a kind of wild rose, while the mountain lions eat the deer: People killed many mountain lions to protect the deer. As a result, the deer ate up⑥ all the wild rose and began to eat the green leaves of young trees.

Now you can see how important it is to keep the balance of nature. If we don’t keep the balance of nature, we will suffer from⑦ it.


①the balance of nature:生态平衡

②teach a lesson:教训


④to one’s surprise:使某人吃惊的是……


⑥eat up:吃光,吃尽

⑦suffer from:遭受



议论文由论点、论据和论证三要素构成,是说道理的文章。本文由四个段落组成,第一段开门见山点明了论点:保护生态平衡的重要性,然后用“Here are two examples”很自然地过渡到第二段,用论据来论证论点的正确。老鹰吃小鸡,但也吃老鼠。农民们曾为了保护他们养的鸡而杀死了大量的老鹰。结果他们惊奇的发现,老鼠越来越多,许多作物被吃掉了。这是人为破坏生态平衡所引起的。第三段又用一例根据美洲豹与鹿、野玫瑰的关系以及人为的为保护鹿而大量杀死豹而造成的后果,进一步证明了论点的正确性,这都是大自然给我们的教训。最后一段作者围绕主题,发表了自己对保护生态平衡的看法,与首段呼应,使全文首尾呼应,浑然一体。



